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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” Dreams don’t come true, goals aren’t achieved... Let’s start with the expression “You can’t jump above your head” and talk about the main reasons that slow you down us in the fulfillment of desires that do not give us a chance to cope with laziness, become more collected, not engage in “nonsense” .... and, throwing everything away, move and move with full dedication towards our goal! Why for many even expensive trainings to achieve results with highly qualified specialists do not work or work for a very short time? And yet - How to achieve your goal? By studying a person, you begin to understand why this happens. We are biological beings and created according to the laws of the universe! And we will not go far from these laws. No matter how we try to overpower our human nature, we will not succeed. We can only study it carefully and follow its rules. Then we will really achieve good results! And we want to focus your attention on the theory of human needs. Here is Maslow’s famous pyramid: We study and draw conclusions: All our needs are presented in the form of a pyramid from the lowest (base) to the highest (top)! Moreover, all needs are interconnected. When a lower one is satisfied, an incentive arises - a desire for another need! And if you were suddenly inspired that you should feel or do something that is at the top of the pyramid, and your basic human desires are unsatisfied. Alas! No matter how hard you try, you will go back to square one. Remember, if you have an itching in your stomach and you are wildly hungry, will you run to the library for another portion of knowledge? And if you haven’t gotten enough sleep?....What about sexual needs? .... At best, they can sublimate (there is a protective mechanism in our body when we replace dissatisfaction with something with something else), for example, into workaholism, or maybe not.... If you punish your man with sex, then think , what are you trying to achieve with this? You will achieve only one thing: he will get sex elsewhere. And you will walk and cry to everyone that he is cheating on you. Always remember, until you satisfy the base (the basis of your needs, they lie at the base of the pyramid) or achieve satisfaction by changing your attitude towards the problem, you will fulfill your desires with great stress, energy and psychological problems! Let's go from bottom to top through all our steps of needs: 1. The most basic physiological needs include: sleep, sex, food, water, warmth, light....2. Need for security. It may be a little different for everyone. The main thing is that you feel it. The need for security is to have a roof over your head, to have money for food, so that everyone in your family does not go hungry and cold. This includes the absence of problems at work, with the environment... These sensations are different for men and women. They also differ in age, mentality, upbringing, and personality traits!3. The third level of needs is social needs - the need for love and communication. The need to be needed.4. The next need is the need for recognition and respect. In men it manifests itself in awareness, as a feeling “I Can!”, “I am capable of something!”. And for women: “I’m Beautiful!”, “Other people and men like me!” Children and older people, of course, have their own way. Sometimes people neglect this level of needs and the result is most often disastrous.5. Cognitive needs speak for themselves.6. Aesthetic needs - it turns out that you can’t escape them either, if you have already achieved a certain personal growth and grown to this step!7. But now you can set goals! And now you will no longer be bothered by either a hungry stomach (except for a while to get to the refrigerator or a restaurant), or the unsatisfied need for recognition and respect that pulls you back, thanks to which we can sit on the Internet for hours!