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From the author: The article discusses the peculiarities of the course of the crisis of 30 years in men and women. Crisis of 30 years. This is the transition to adulthood. This is a crisis associated with assessing what a person has and what he would like to have. Comparing your achievements with what your peers have achieved. Male version For men, as a rule, during this period, it is important to assess the level of achievements in the social and professional sphere, and the presence of a decent position in society. These are the main questions with which most of the torments and inner experiences of men are associated. Often men compare their achievements with their peers, and if the comparison is not in their favor, the search for those responsible begins, this allows them to relieve themselves of responsibility and maintain self-esteem. Often the wife is considered guilty (did not support, interfered, etc.) and thoughts arise about divorce, relationships with other women, changing professional activities. At the same time, changing professional activities without a detailed analysis, as a rule, turns out to be an illusory way out of the crisis and does not provide relief. During this period, many people feel a “sense of adulthood” and a desire for change. If a man is not ready to realize “maturity,” he may take the path of avoiding responsibility (alcoholism, etc.), or the desire for regressive forms of behavior (teenage lifestyle, etc.). Men who are prone to rivalry, competition, and who want constant victories experience the hardest time. Female version Women evaluate not only social achievements, but also their physical condition. They may have a fear of aging and death. Married women are often afraid of professional failure and a stop in career development due to the birth of children. Most women consider the most important tasks related to giving birth, raising and educating children. According to research, those who have a full-fledged family experience the greatest satisfaction in life. If there is no family, a woman first of all suffers from the unfulfillment of her maternal instinct and is faced with a choice: career or family (having a child). To do both in modern economic conditions is not so simple and largely depends on individual living conditions. Subjectively, a woman during a crisis feels that she can no longer live like this, loneliness, hopelessness, inability to change her life, limited time, etc. Those who have a stable family life, high performance, the ability to mobilize, and a willingness to overcome obstacles experience the crisis more easily .What does information about the crisis give us? Knowledge about the crisis, unfortunately, does not allow us to bypass it, but provides only the following advantages: - a person realizes that there are no one to blame for his crisis; - there is no point in blaming external obstacles; - the crisis comes from within, and makes itself felt only if you are ripe for it; - understanding that it is necessary to rethink the past and find new guidelines. (values ​​of a higher order, motives for further activity). The way out of the crisis requires active intrapersonal work. A good outcome of the crisis is a change in life plan based on new experience, the creation of a more orderly structure of life in the family and professional activities, coordination of the level of what is desired and what is available, resulting in a transition to a period of maximum performance and impact. My client drew an interesting conclusion from his crisis of 30 years. “It used to seem to me (before the age of 30) that I could always fix and redo everything, but after 30 I realized that there was no time to redo it, I needed to immediately write life from scratch»