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I will give you some criteria for normal development during the early development of a child from 0 to 3 years. General indicators. 1 year 3 months - the vocabulary increases to 6, the child begins to understand simple instructions, mainly without a gesture. 1 year 6 months - the child shows one of the body parts and can identify it without any problems; the vocabulary is increased to 7-20 words. 1 year 9 months - the child shows three parts of the body, composes phrases of 2 words, the vocabulary is already 20 words. 2 years - baby shows 5 parts of the body and learns to identify them (ask the child to close his eyes and touch an arm or leg), vocabulary of at least 50, understands two-step instructions ("get up and fetch" and so on), is already beginning to speak a sentence of 2 words . 2 years 6 months - freely uses pronouns - I, me, you, you, uses sentences of 2 words. 3 years - vocabulary up to 250 words and above, the baby communicates in sentences of 3 or more words, uses the plural of nouns and verbs. Must say his name, gender and age, understand the meaning of mostly simple prepositions and perform tasks like “put the toy in the basket.” Features of the development of fine motor skills. from 1 to 2 years old - the child can grab and hold two objects in one hand, draw with pencils, draw with crayons, turn pages in a book, play with cubes and place them on top of each other from 2 to several pieces. from 2 - 3 years - can open drawers, shelves and overturn them, plays with sand and other bulk substances, plasticine and clay, opens and closes lids, uses scissors, draws with fingers, easily strings large beads. By the grip of the hand, one can judge the mental development of the child (grasping - grasping, holding - throwing, if there is no transition, then this is a violation of motor function and other violations of intellectual functions). from 2 years 6 months. - up to 3 years - the period of transition from a fist grip to a five-fingered grip; after a five-fingered grip, a pinch with two fingers is formed up to 3.5 years (if a child holds a spoon or pencil with his fist, it later affects writing in school), which is why it is so important to teach your the child holds the spoon, pencil and other things “correctly”. The frontal gyrus of the cerebral cortex is a motor area and is involved in the formation of one's own oral speech (Broca's area). The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging them, stimulating blood supply, activating Broca's center (reproduction of oral speech), you can influence internal organs and speech. Development of general motor skills. 1 - 2 years - the child walks confidently, easily bends down to pick up an object from the floor, can stop when moving, can walk sideways and backwards, throw objects, stays standing on one leg for some time, carries objects short distances, with support can go down and up stairs independently, jump in place, around and over obstacles, and can freely pedal a tricycle. 2 - 3 years old - the child learns to run, jump more dexterously, walk on toes, maintain better balance on one leg, squat, jump. Understanding speech. 1 year 8 months - up to 2 years - the child understands the actions depicted in the pictures, recognizes the objects on them, follows instructions like “show who is sitting, who is walking, who is sleeping,” can easily show how to do this; performs two-stage tasks by ear and from pictures of the type: “go and fetch”; understands the meaning of prepositions in familiar specific situations - “what are you sitting on?” 2 years 6 months - up to 3 years - the child understands and remembers short stories and fairy tales read to him (in the beginning, relying on the picture, and then without it). Development of hand-eye coordination. from 1 year to 2 years - the baby draws strokes and short lines, draws “doodles”, begins to repeat images of several horizontal, vertical and.