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From the author: Vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic attack have been well studied. A protocol has been developed for the successful treatment of panic attacks. Treatment without drugs. There is no need to drink glycine or afobazole. It is enough to contact a psychologist. How to choose a psychologist who will cure you? Author: Certified specialist and expert in the treatment of panic attacks. Master of short-term strategic therapy Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov Panic attack and vegetative-vascular dystonia were recognized by the International Health Organization in 2003 as the most common type of fear. Every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers or has suffered from panic attacks and panic attacks. Treatment for panic attacks comes in a variety of approaches. Today, as practice and research show, the most effective methods of treating panic attacks are short-term strategic therapy (author G. Nardone, Italy) and ACT therapy (Acceptance Commitment Therapy). So, if you suffer from panic attacks, then what should you do? do? Can this panic be cured or will you have to suffer from fear for the rest of your life? Is it necessary to take drug therapy, for example, afobazole, or maybe glycine? Do I need to go to the hospital to treat a panic attack? I hasten to please you, panic attacks today can be quite successfully treated, and even without the use of afobazole and other medications, and certainly there is no need to go to the hospital. To treat panic, you just need to work with a psychologist. In this case, the question arises: how to choose a psychologist who will cure you of panic? This is indeed a very important question. In order for you to make the right choice, I recommend asking a psychologist or psychotherapist in detail and asking him the following questions. Find out from the psychologist what method of working with panic attacks (PA) he uses. What experience does he have with panic attacks? How many clients with panic attacks have he had in his practice and what results have been achieved in treatment? Ask the psychologist what articles or books he can recommend for you to read that describe working with panic attacks using exactly the approach that this psychologist or psychotherapist uses? Let me remind you that not all psychotherapy approaches work equally successfully with panic attacks and fears. Find out from a psychologist about the patterns of functioning of panic attacks. Ask a psychologist about the stages of work, how many stages of work are there and what are they? How many sessions and how long will it take for the treatment to be successful? What are the specifics of working with panic attacks? The most modern methods of treating panic attacks will allow you to master the technology of working with panic attacks yourself and this knowledge will remain with you forever. Ask a psychologist about this, will you receive these tools for your use or not? Ask the psychologist is there any provision for accompaniment of the client after the end of treatment and how is it carried out? Such support is a kind of guarantee of the quality of the psychologist’s work and the reliability of the method of work used. Look at reviews of the psychologist’s work on his personal page, maybe there are reviews there about working specifically with your problem. For those who cannot come for face-to-face consultations, there is good news. Panic attacks can also be treated via Skype. I wish you to quickly become free from your fears and panic! Read the continuation of the topic here (click on the highlighted link) Sign up for a consultation: phone 8-905-793-2237 skype sovlad2e-mail: [email protected] Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov I work with my soul!