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From the author: This is one of the psychotechniques from the “Psychotechnologies for Life” series using the short-term psychotherapy method “Technology of Awareness of Reality” (TOP approach) Fears, regardless of their causes, are an obstacle on the way to our happiness and fulfilling life. There is no need to justify them and look for explanations for them. You need to fight them and defeat them. With serious fears, it is better to contact a specialist, but simple timidity and shyness can easily be overcome by the following useful techniques: 1. If you are afraid of something, try to understand what exactly. What scares us most is the unknown. Fears “don’t like” very much when they are “laid out” on shelves. Most often, if you try to specify your fears, you will see that they go away by themselves.2. If you are afraid of a mistake or failure, try to answer yourself the question several times: - What terrible thing will happen if I don’t succeed? Often you will see that nothing really terrible will happen and you will calm down.3. If your fears are related to communication, try to honestly admit to yourself: do you feel less smart, attractive, and capable than those around you? If the answer is yes, you need to work on increasing your self-esteem using appropriate techniques.4. In order to get rid of fears and complexes, develop and improve yourself physically. Yoga, colonics, and breathing health practices are very useful for timid and insecure people: they strengthen both the body and spirit. You can do them yourself or with the help of specialists.5. For any long-term fears, seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. The main difference between natural, helping fear and destructive, neurotic fear: with natural fear, danger is always really present at the moment. With neurotic fear, it is only imagined, imagined. The source of most of our fears is self-doubt caused by errors in upbringing and incorrect attitudes. Increasing your self-esteem and re-evaluating your own limiting beliefs will help you get rid of them. In order not to create unnecessary fears in children, it is important for parents to know the following principle and follow it in their upbringing: at any age, the child must do for himself what he is physically and intellectually able to do. One of the most common fears is the fear of public opinion/condemnation. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to increase self-confidence and self-awareness. Fears often haunt us in the family. We are afraid that our partner will stop loving us (or cheat on us), we are afraid that gray everyday life will swallow up our Love, we do not want our partner to meet his school friends, we are jealous and do not trust... Him?... Ourselves?... The ancients said: fear is a bad advisor , and an even worse conductor. I have the following story about this. Several years ago I had the opportunity to help a wonderful married couple. Everything was fine with them... until the man saw a photo of her “ex” in his wife’s old photo album. This ex was, as they say, an “enviable macho” - tall, muscular, snow-white smile... And our hero was of normal height, stocky build. And although his wife loved him tenderly and devotedly, he began... obsessively comparing himself and this “ex”, and began asking his wife about him. She spoke in surprise, and the feeling of his own inferiority grew stronger and stronger in him. Unreasonable, but very bitter. He began to fear that his wife would stop loving him, sooner or later leave him and go to that handsome man (it should still be noted that our hero had a completely normal attractive appearance and an enviable mind). Fear eventually turned into obsession. He began daily asking his wife about her “ex,” demanding the most intimate details, demanding assurances of her love. But from what he learned, his fear only intensified; reassurances helped less and less. He reached the point of serious neurosis. You can imagine: he came to the point of thinking that he would kill her, and then»,