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The cat will lie calmly on the sofa until you close the door to one of the rooms. The same can be said about our intentions. As long as there are no obstacles to their implementation, they can be postponed as long as desired. But as soon as you feel that “the door is closing,” a clot of energy immediately appears inside, ready to break through any prohibitions and obstacles. It is this energy that comes to the rescue when you need to make a breakthrough, but there is a lull inside. But is it possible to artificially create such an impulse? To make sure that it is possible to obtain energy “on demand”, we will use a simple but very indicative “Achievement Launch” technique. With its help, we will artificially create an incomplete gestalt and extract energy in the same way as people once mined fire. Only in our case it will be friction between “possible” and “impossible”. 1. While standing or sitting, lower your hand down. It should hang freely and relaxed along your body. 2. Imagine that you want to lift it, but you don’t lift it. Mentally feel how the hand rises to shoulder level. But you don't physically do it. You don’t let yourself pick it up. Intensify your desire, but your hand should still hang along your body. 3. At some point you will feel a slight trembling, itching, an unbearable desire to perform an action not only at the level of thought, but also in reality. Give yourself permission to raise your hand. At this moment she will literally take off. You will feel great relief, an influx of strength and emotional uplift. Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective way to accumulate strength for a start. In addition, the technology is so versatile that it can be used both at the everyday level and for a breakthrough towards larger goals. For example, you can store energy for an easy start to the day. In the morning, when you don’t want to get up, think about what a wonderful day awaits you, how many new and interesting things you can learn, but don’t allow yourself to get up, lie down until you have enough patience. In a few minutes, the accumulated energy will literally push you out of the bedroom. On a physiological level, this works great for those who want to go on a diet. Try to accumulate energy for a breakthrough to slimness. We went to the store and avoid dietary products, don’t look at kefir. No vegetable salads or casseroles! Forget the smell of fresh cucumbers and herbs! The vegetable department simply does not exist for you. And now you can imagine how you cut a ripe, juicy tomato, add luxurious lettuce leaves and put a delicious chicken breast on them. Very soon you will find only diet products in your shopping cart. It is especially interesting to observe such an energy surge in people who are cautious about having children. With their attempts to justify their childlessness, they further spur their desire. At some point, it becomes so unbearable that all “reasonable” arguments and fears fade into the background. Also, “Achievement Launch” will help when moving to new frontiers. The goal seems illusory, and leaving the comfort zone is quite real; some people need a “good kick” to decide to take such a step. For example, you have long dreamed of turning your hobby into a source of main income, but “you never get around to it.” Well, it is not necessary! It’s not in vain that you bought a “fly swatter”. Now sit at your “hated job” and do “important work”. Courses, trainings, consultants will wait. Focus on the "fly swatter". Soon you will accumulate so much energy, including anger at the flies, that you will fly supersonic into a new life. And finally, this is the easiest way to “get out of boredom.” Begin to consciously hold yourself in the role of “sufferer.” Under no circumstances leave her! Only you are able to show humanity the true drama of life. Dark clothes will add the right mood, you can roll your eyes and pay attention to your mouth, lower the corners of your lips down. Lower... lower... even lower... Well, what did you depict on your face? Do not laugh! Well, don’t laugh... Well... You ruined everything./