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From the author: “We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.” Sigmund Freud Many people know that whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. However, some boats sink, others go astray, and only a few reach the desired shore. This story is about the fact that goal formation is not an easy task that can be learned. One young woman really wanted big and bright love. Who doesn't want this? She dreamed of dreaming, but nothing worked out for her and instead of big feelings she encountered only small feelings. The men on her way did not stay long for various reasons. Great feeling, like great weight. It takes a lot of strength to lift it. Does everyone have enough strength at the beginning of life? This happens often. The gentlemen left their relationship when the woman was just beginning her run. In relationships, everything is just like in sports. There are short distance races - sprints, and there are long distance races - marathons. And even when everything in life goes wrong, that’s what it’s for and fate doesn’t do anything in vain. If there are short distances, then they have their own meanings. All that remains is to look at them. Lao Tzu also said that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” But what can this Lao Tzu, together with all the sages of different times and peoples, do against the hormones of a young body? And not only were all the heroine’s relationships short in duration, but her previous boyfriends also turned out to be not entirely suitable for starting a family and having children. This woman had little in common with the men who showed interest in her. It happens. Each of us moves through life at different speeds. We are ready for family and children at different ages. Everything is like in nature. And on one apple tree the fruits do not ripen at the same time: the first are just ripe, the second are still green, and the third have already crumbled and fallen to the ground. At that time, the heroine of the story still did not know anything that everything was fine with her, that if you are not invited to marry or are quickly abandoned, then you simply continue to ripen on your apple tree. And it's the same for men. Just keep ripening, gaining your sweetness, fate will take care of the rest. But how to wait, who can do it? Youth is a time when we are in such a hurry to live. And haste is rarely beneficial. In any field, we rarely start by solving complex problems. And we don’t always get into a relationship to start with creating a family and having children. There are many meanings in being connected to another person: to get to know ourselves, to open up from those sides that we would not have discovered without a partner. We also learn to recognize others, discover our similarities and differences, learn to choose a distance, negotiate and much more. Antonio Meneghetti says that “the value of love is determined by the measure of enrichment of the individual, and not by the degree of possession.” But how can this wisdom even reach consciousness when the instinct for the continuation of life is so active? But this young woman did not know anything about these meanings at that time. That’s why I immediately dreamed of family and children. Without any preludes. Right off the bat. Why waste time? Meanwhile, with each new relationship, she was enriched with new experience, became more aware and vigilant. She wanted to be like everyone else, but instead she recognized herself more deeply and established strong connections with her depth, her heart. Dream details: Years have passed, but from the height of the years lived, many things are seen more clearly. And she discovered that her goal needed correction and clarification. She had never dreamed before that her chosen one would have the qualities that were important to her. To dream productively, it is important to know yourself deeply. No sooner said than done. She wrote a list of valuable male qualities, prioritized them, and after a while the hero of her dreams appeared on her horizon. Tight as she ordered. And a very strong feeling came over her. The feeling is already great, but again there is no family, these two lives have not united together. Things didn’t go further than the acquaintance, although this gentleman awakened her and touched her deeply. And this is already a lot. Wish on.