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The logic of a child is fundamentally different from the thinking of an adult. Children perceive the world literally, not understanding cause-and-effect relationships, often drawing incorrect conclusions and forming their own ideas about how to solve problems .A young child has an extremely developed imagination, so his decisions sometimes shock his parents. Normally, children's models with age are replaced by a conscious, responsible strategy of behavior, but for some individuals they remain leading, turning into templates. How children's models are formed. A person carries many psychological problems out of early childhood. Children's models of problem solving are also the result of parental mistakes in upbringing, the indifference of mom and dad to education and broadening the horizons of their child. And if a child does not have sufficient experience and the ability to explain this or that phenomenon, then he turns on his own logic, devoid of any common sense. For example, he sees mom and dad arguing and then making up, and concludes: in order to get hugs and kisses, first you need to scream, get angry, show aggression, cry. And so he longs for maternal love, but instead of coming up and hugging his mother, he begins to stomp his feet, squeal, throw toys, things, and cry. After a hysteria, the child arranges a moment of love and happiness for the devastated and irritated mother. Creative adaptation. Children's logic, transferred into adulthood is nothing more than distorted patterns of behavior left over from childhood. To eliminate these patterns and create new adults, psychological work will be required. However, you need to understand that when making a decision, a child is not driven by logic, which still requires experience and an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. This is what in psychology is called creative adaptation (or creative adaptation), which combines elements of primitive child logic and the products of a powerful imagination. The child quite effectively achieves goals by coming up with creative solutions that are difficult for an adult to understand. For example, in order to attract the attention of his parents, he can behave like a hooligan, spoil things in the house, behave defiantly and tactlessly. Is it possible to get rid of children's models when solving problems? The problem is that children's behavior patterns are well and permanently recorded in a person's memory. They also work automatically, at the subconscious level, that is, they manifest themselves uncontrollably. It is quite strange to observe childlike behavior patterns in an adult. They confuse not only those around them, but also their carrier. Self-esteem suffers from this, a fear of showing weakness appears, and a person withdraws into himself, tries to avoid responsible decisions, and sometimes communication in general. Living in tension, he reacts sharply to stress and can plunge into depression. Is it possible to do something about children's behavior patterns? Of course you can. It is necessary to change the patterns themselves - through awareness of oneself in the present moment. This helps to correctly identify emotions and psychological state, while controlling one’s movements and correlating them with feelings. A person must understand that his childhood methods of solving a problem are not effective, and goals cannot be achieved in this way. This means that you need to choose a obviously winning strategy of behavior, and what it will be depends entirely on the patient. A psychologist only helps to find the correct, age-appropriate patterns that will lead a person to success. Good luck in working on yourself!