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This case can be used both as a diagnosis and as a practical modeling for married couples... Once upon a time, Pasha and Masha lived. Note that their names were the most ordinary (this is not Leons, Elishas and Vitalins). Somehow it happened that they liked each other. Then sympathy grew into affection, which turned into feelings. And...they decided that they could no longer live without each other. And they went to the registry office and married each other. But in Rus' a good deed was never called marriage. Then everything started spinning and spinning for them. And now 2 years have already passed (let these passing 2 years be covered with a light veil of mystery). This morning Pasha made a promise to Masha to find a repairman who would fix her laptop (which broke yesterday). It so happened that Pasha was “running around” at work, and remembered about the promise only the moment he crossed the threshold of their apartment. The first thing Masha asked was about the time of the master’s arrival. Pasha frowned in annoyance, but honestly admitted that he forgot to fulfill his promise. Option 1. It would be better if he didn’t say this:((. Masha flew off the chain - she immediately said a bunch of nasty things to him, accused him of stopping altogether to think about her that he is nothing of himself as a man. She interrupted any of his attempts to answer anything with new attacks, and at the moment when he himself started shouting and swearing, she declared: “Get out of our apartment, see. I don’t want you anymore.” Option 2. Masha, without thinking twice, said: I will start talking to you only when you learn to keep your promises, then she turned around and went to her room. Pasha waited for a while, and then went to Masha. and tried to somehow defuse the situation. But Masha was relentless until Pasha apologized and promised Masha that next time he would think before making promises and promised to fix her laptop today. Option 3. Masha shook her head and clarified: “Next time, don’t make such promises - then I can correct the situation myself by the time I need.” “Okay,” said Pasha. Shrugging their shoulders, they each went to their own rooms. Pasha decided to play computer games. And Masha went on Avito on her phone in search of a repairman for her laptop. Option 4. Masha greeted Pasha’s words quite coldly, although she did not directly express her dissatisfaction with words. She put dinner on the table for him and went off to watch TV. While Pasha sat and ate, she had a growing feeling that she needed to express everything that had accumulated. But Masha restrained herself. She had been waiting tensely all evening for Pasha to somehow correct his mistake or show her in some other way that he appreciated her. Without waiting for anything like this, Masha tried to show her concern for Pasha with her behavior. Actually, she behaved the same way every time Pasha did something wrong. At times she scolded herself and got angry for such behavior, but she always remembered that “she is a wife” and she needs to take care of her husband. Option 5. Masha expressed her dissatisfaction with the current situation. She also reminded me that for her work it is very important to have a notebook that is “in service.” Pasha nodded understandingly, hugged Masha and offered to discuss how to “resolve” the current problem. He himself offered to give her his laptop. Masha asked if this would interfere with his work. Pasha assured Masha that at the current moment he could easily get by with a corporate computer, since the work emergency had temporarily frozen his personal projects anyway. Masha felt calmer, and she suggested going for a walk together. Option 6. Masha did not enter into an open conflict. She just went to her room. Although, to be honest, Pasha got her and got her “to the fullest.” Instead of arguing with him, Masha mentally gave up on his next “jamb” and plunged into thoughts about why she even lived with Pasha. And, as usual, she felt like she was wasting her time. To: