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From the author: Case (case) from my psychotherapeutic practice. (Materials posted with the permission and consent of the client). All details and names have been changed to maintain confidentiality. Client – young girl N. Request: failures in personal life, disappointment in people, in oneself, pessimistic attitude, hatred for the whole world, anxiety, fear of the future. There is complete chaos at work, she doesn’t like the job, the boss is inadequate, he stays there only because of the good salary, otherwise she hates her job and goes there like it’s hard labor. Why do I need all this? And how to live further? A complete set! We began to unravel where the roots grow from. I will give a few of our dialogues (after the preliminary interview). - Who are you in this situation: a victim, a fighter or a creator? - Probably a victim. - Why do you need to be a victim, why are you punishing yourself with this pain? - I don’t know (in fact, her unconscious knows everything, she just needs a little help). - Why do you reproach yourself so much that you create situations for yourself to feel bad? - I don’t know. - Do you believe that the whole world around you is created by you? - Partially, I read about it, but I don’t really trust it. - What will happen if we reformulate your question: not “why do I do this?”, but “for what?”, how do you like this? - Do I really need this situation for something? For what? I always wanted to live well, and not in this hell. - And who is involved in the creation of this hell? - Well, all the characters, the ex-husband, the boss. - Are you there? - Yes. - That is, are you also taking part in creating your own hell? - It turns out that yes. (Taking responsibility for your actions is already good!) - Then, if we work with you, here in therapy, will your world change? - I think so! - Then tell me, what was so bad that you did in your life and now you are paying for it? - Yes, nothing like that happened in my life, I have already lived it all (here the client abruptly changed her position, changed her face and began to breathe more often). I felt that she was not telling something or was ashamed of something and offered to help her with metaphorical cards. She took out this card face down: She looked at it for literally 5 seconds, and tears flowed from her eyes. “I didn’t want this, these the bastards forced me, I hate them all and myself too... yes, this is my pain, my guilt before this unborn child, I will never forgive them. In this card she saw the Soul of a child who could have come into this world, but did not come, because... The parents of her first boyfriend did not love her and almost forced her to have an abortion. This is her pain, her cross, which she still carries and feels deep unconscious guilt for this event. But she pushed all her feelings inside herself, first with antidepressants, and then many years passed and somehow she seemed to have forgotten. And she already thought that this event had no effect on her life. How wrong she was. This event, like a rotting splinter in her unconscious, created such situations in her life that she would constantly be in pain, to be a victim, to constantly feel guilty about everything. This is a deeply hidden desire to be punished for her actions. And this program, like a magnet, attracted situations into her life where she experienced this pain again. Her personal life is unsuccessful, the only men she meets are scumbags - they either beat her or drink. At work she is also a victim, her boss screams and doesn’t respect her, there is complete discord with her colleagues. The tangle has not yet been completely untangled, the “sweater” is not ready yet)) During the conversation it turns out that her parents divorced when she was still little. - Do you communicate with your father now? - No, I haven’t communicated for more than 10 years - What feelings do you still have for him? - Yes, none, I don’t care (nonverbalism and breathing in this place gave her away, a bodily reaction manifested itself, and I realized that I needed to help her with cards again). Asked her to take out a card of herself and her father. This is her card: And this is her father's card: After a little rearrangement and clarification of their interaction, she realized that this was a deep feeling of resentment that was just background,.