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Every day you work...work...pecking at the grain like a chicken, get a salary, buy new cream, and for the rest new shoes and again work...work...until the next salary to buy a small white chest of drawers that I had my eye on before the New Year. You “endure” a meeting with an acquaintance, to whom, out of habit, you inform that “you work... you get a salary... the cream helps... your shoes don’t rub... everything is fine...” Stop!!! Something is wrong! You can feel your irritation growing from questions to which you have no answers? More precisely...they are there, prepared in advance, like in an exam, but YOU are NOT in these answers. Why aren't you in the Virgin Islands yet? You once dreamed about this! Why haven't you created your own collection of evening dresses yet? You thought about this five years ago! Why are you still at this job? You hated her ten years ago! A “chicken grain by grain” can peck all her life, coping with awkwardness, answering uncomfortable questions and suppressing the “bad” inside herself. But now you can work on your “ideal future” and change EVERYTHING! How to prepare for the start of YOUR ideal future: - Open your diary and add into it what you have wanted for a long time, but you are scared by the scale, unattainability, the “not for you” attitude you”, etc. - Evaluate your to-do list for “garbage” and useless tasks, tidy it up and prioritize. At the same time, it is recommended to adjust your consciousness: You can handle it! You can do it! Everything for you! Only for you! Life loves you! You are talented! The world froze waiting for YOU! Remember! If an idea comes to mind, then resources are ALWAYS given for its implementation. “Thunder” the barriers in your head. Yes...yes... “create a collection of dresses.” Have you added a few more points? Good girl! But now it’s time to get off the couch. How to achieve results in just one day: Choose something that will give the maximum effect in your life (no... not going to the hairdresser, but something bigger - more complicated, at the limit of your capabilities). For example: buy a ticket today (earn money on it) and in a week end up in the Virgin Islands or create sketches of the first ten dresses). Now you have to spend a day to achieve the result. If this is NOT directly related to your work, then call your boss and, under any pretext, free this day to “create your ideal future.” “Take a small bite” at a time. So, there is a “big deal”, there is a desire and only a day to move it, but then a stupor may set in. If you walk around “your dream” and don’t know how to “eat it,” then use the “Swiss cheese” method. Start “biting off” a small piece at a time, prepare your pencils...paper...try a few strokes, if you are writing a book, write a title, an outline, set the desired font size, etc. Gradually, your brain will realize that it has no other choice but to get involved in active work and help you. Make decisions quickly. One solution - one minute. In most cases it will be the best. You've probably noticed that a solution appears in the first seconds, and then time is wasted only on excessive soul-searching, growing fears, uncertainty, thinking “what if...” Remember! There are no right or wrong decisions, there are decisions made on time. Made a decision and move on, don't look back! Your strength, energy, and time are not wasted, and you can use your resources to great benefit. The same can be said about your personal life. While you are thinking and weighing all the pros and cons, circumstances change, people meet, get married, and you risk being left alone, embracing your “right” decision. While you are doing the “big thing”, do not be distracted by extraneous matters. For at least 4 hours, turn off your phone and all channels that can reach you. If you decide to take today’s marathon with even greater responsibility, then you can “switch off” for the entire 24 hours. If you are waiting for a fateful call, trust someone close to you to “wait” for it. You create