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This article is about men who cheat on their female companions more or less regularly. Wives may often not know about this if their relationships are short-term or one-time. Of course, the husband will never admit to his wife that he is having an affair with another woman, unless the betrayal becomes completely obvious. As a rule, if a man benefits from playing “on two fronts,” he will assure his wife and swear that he is faithful to her and did not even think about any “leftist” with his Nordic, strong character. So, which men can be classified as at risk for cheating?1. It is logical that children borrow the behavior model of their parents. A man can adopt the character and behavior pattern of both his father and mother. Here we need to start from diagnosing his characterological characteristics. Men of a hyperthymic, hysterical, manic, narcissistic type are most prone to cheating.2. It is important to pay attention to the emotional stability of a man, his volitional sphere. If a man finds it difficult to keep his promises, his mood often changes, he is not inclined to complete what he starts, he is dependent on his impulses, momentary impulses, he has a hard time withstanding frustration, and does not have a clear opinion on many issues, hesitates in his moral guidelines, then he most likely belongs to the group of potential cheaters. Such a man has a hard time enduring loneliness. When his wife reveals his betrayal, it is extremely difficult for him to make a choice between her and his mistress, and this triangular game stretches for years.3. Physiological characteristics (hypersexuality).4. It wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to a man’s past relationship experience (if you easily managed to take him away from the family, then this “bun” will leave you sooner or later).5. If a man does not show you respect, you feel unloved, unwanted with him, your self-esteem is in disaster, then this is an alarm bell, signaling that he has problems with personal self-esteem and will look for other objects besides you, at the expense of which you can assert yourself. In addition, if a man has devalued you, it means he has his eye on the one who, in his opinion, is better. Dear readers, thank you for your attention to my articles!