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Shy children are a fairly common situation in the work of a psychologist. Shy preschool children are a common situation in the square. In any group of any kindergarten, there are always from one to three such children, who are usually called “shy”, “loners”, “difficult to make contact with peers”, etc. That is, those same kids who play or sit quietly on a chair alone can become sad, shy away from their peers, and huddle closer to adults and teachers. Thus, every twentieth, or even every tenth, preschool child is exactly like this. There are thousands and thousands of such children. Therefore, if your child aged 3 to 7 years belongs to this group, in fact, this is not a reason to panic at all! If there are no significant delays in mental, intellectual or physical development, know: your modest boy or your shy girl are completely normal, healthy children. There may be several reasons for this behavior of a preschool child: First, the specifics of heredity. If the son went to his father’s family, and everyone there is closed and uncommunicative scientists and engineers (etc.), what else do you expect? Or, on the contrary, the daughter took after her mother or grandmother, and they spent their whole lives reading books and struggling with depression and sadness, all according to exactly the same pattern: “An aspen tree will not produce an orange tree!” Secondly, there is a lack of communication in the family. For example, dad is chronically at work (or with friends), and mom is busy with household chores, she simply doesn’t have time for the baby. So in a completely complete and prosperous family there may be a lack of communication. The child watches cartoons, plays computer games and... remains in his inner world. Of course, one...Thirdly, psychological trauma received by a child in a problematic family, where mom and dad drink, argue, fight, chronically get divorced and regularly leave with things. Shocked by these screams and violence, the child may be afraid to somehow show his sociability in the family, so as not to fall under the hot hand. This fear of speaking or addressing another person comes with the child to kindergarten, hand in hand... Fourthly, there is a significant imbalance in the age of those with whom the child communicates. For example, in a kindergarten group your child is the youngest, it is still difficult for him to communicate at all. Or, say, the child spends most of his time with his elderly grandmother. She is a very good person, but the years have taken their toll, so she usually lies on the sofa or silently watches TV with her grandson. What kind of communication is there... Fifthly, there is a lack of physical activity. Parents rarely go out with their children, and at home there is a small living space and valuables. The child wants to play and be naughty, but he is scolded and punished. The baby quickly understands that the best way to behave is to sit quietly and not attract attention. Which is what he/she does. Often, maintaining this pattern of behavior for life, because of this, even an adult remains a “quiet and gray man in the street.” Accordingly, if you want to get your preschooler out of a sleeping and shy state, you need to first study this list of reasons and improve the situation in the following areas: Mom and dad should not sit at home silently at the computer or books, but should communicate a lot and cheerfully with each other, showing the child an example of communication. If a mother is single, she is obliged to invite guests (preferably with children), go to visit with the child (without leaving him with his parents forever), again personally showing examples of communication. Scandals and showdowns between parents should be excluded in the family. At least in front of a child. And under no circumstances should you raise your hand against a child. A child in a kindergarten group should not be more than six months younger than all other children, much less a year or two. As a matter of fact, it is precisely for the unity of children’s development that common age groups were invented. The joy of some parents is that their child is the youngest in the group (especially in very):+7-902-990-5168, +7-913-520 -001, +7-926-633-5200.