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Socio-psychological technologies are diagnostic and correctional procedures, the object of which are socio-psychological phenomena that influence the behavior of people included in various social groups. Socio-pedagogical technologies are a set of pedagogical techniques and methods, purposefully influencing the consciousness, behavior and activity of a person as a member of society in the process of his socialization, adaptation to new social conditions and in socially oriented activities. Psychological and pedagogical technologies are a certain system of content, means and methods of training and education aimed at solving psychological problems (an example is the technology of developmental education). Socio-medical technologies are a set of interrelated social and medical techniques and methods of influence aimed at preserving human health and creating a healthy lifestyle. Psychotechnologies are diagnostic, correctional, developmental and psychotherapeutic procedures, the object of which is which is the mental reality of a specific person, and the subject is changes in certain facets of this mental reality that influence human behavior. Psychological diagnostics as a technology is a specially organized process of cognition in which, using appropriate methods, information about an individual or group is collected with the purpose making a psychological diagnosis. Development technology is aimed at the formation of mental processes, properties and qualities of the individual in accordance with the age requirements and individual capabilities of the child. It involves taking into account not only the zone of the child’s current development, but also his tomorrow’s capabilities (zone of proximal development). The technology of psychoprophylaxis is a system of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at creating an optimal social situation for the child’s development, mental hygiene of the pedagogical environment. Prevention is preventive measures related to the elimination of external causes, factors and conditions that cause certain deficiencies in the development of children. It may involve solving problems that have not yet arisen. The technology of psychological information is essentially pedagogical and educational. Another thing is that the means that a psychologist uses when applying it can be both pedagogical (story, conversation, lecture, analysis of problem situations, business game) and psychological (diagnostic and advisory conversation, “helpline”, etc.). The technology of psychological counseling is a purposeful procedure, determined by the problem and situation of the client, of creating psychological conditions for emotional response, clarifying the meaning, rationalizing this problem and finding options for solving it. The technology of socio-psychological adaptation of children and adolescents is the purposeful interconnected activity of all subjects of a holistic pedagogical process (parents, teachers, social educator, psychologist) and the child, which contributes to the mastery of socio-ethical knowledge and norms, the accumulation of positive social experience, promoting the successful socialization and individualization of the child in the microsocium. The technology of psychological correction and psychotherapy is a system of psychological or psychotherapeutic means aimed to eliminate, smooth out shortcomings or their psychological and pedagogical causes. The result of its application is such changes in the child’s psyche that positively affect his condition, activity, communication and behavior in general. The technology of socio-psychological rehabilitation of children and adolescents is a systemic, purposeful process of their return, inclusion, reintegration into society (family, school , class, group of peers), promoting full functioning as a social subject. The technology of psychological support is a complex.