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Dependent relationships are not at all uncommon. As a rule, people do not fall into them by chance, and those who do do so with enviable persistence, entering into the same type of relationship over and over again, choosing partners who are emotionally closed and selfish. In such relationships, an addicted person tries to earn love and has a hard time being separated from a partner, even for a couple of hours. How do people get into dependent relationships and how to stop getting into them? The whole point is that we are social creatures and it is normal for us to enter into relationships, just like to experience affection, to depend to a certain extent on our partner. But there must be moderation in everything. And if our dependence reaches such an extent that we lose independence, this is pathology. Usually people enter into such relationships whose separation from their parents was not completed properly. In a relationship, their disliked inner child comes to the fore, trying to attract the attention of an adult. The best way to solve this problem is psychotherapy. But there are other ways to help yourself. Dependent relationships are built on the belief that only in a relationship can we be happy and be something of ourselves. Accordingly, all you need to do is prove to yourself that this is not so. For some, the solution may be to immerse yourself in your career. The method is not the simplest, but it is effective. If you find your place professionally, feel your importance, it will become quite difficult to continue to convince yourself that without a partner you are nobody and to call you in any way. If work is not an outlet for you and you do not intend to change your profession at the moment, start spending more time devote to your hobby. A hobby, of course, should be productive and creative. It will be good if it is related to creativity. The process itself should bring pleasure, and not just the result. Our sociality is structured in such a way that whether we like it or not, our social circle significantly influences us. If there are many addicted people around you, it’s worth making new acquaintances. Having a confident friend who is inclined to take responsibility and constantly develop can help you look at yourself, your life, and relationships differently. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to contact a psychologist, provide yourself with the necessary information yourself. Study the mechanism of dependent relationships, analyze the causes of your problem, your childhood.