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Continuation of the article on the topic: How to get energy back? What to do if self-help in the form of dancing, singing, watching movies did not help? You need to figure out where your energy is flowing. What could be the reason? Problems You have unresolved conflicts in the family, with your husband, children, at work. No matter how much you fill yourself, your energy will merge there and you will have no strength. Resentment You are offended by someone and this unpleasant state gnaws at you. You constantly think about it and your entire focus of attention is there, which means all your energy flows there. You are dissatisfied with yourself. You feel insecure, demand a lot from yourself, are dissatisfied with the results of your work, are afraid to say no, to express your opinion. You don't like your appearance or figure. All this takes a huge amount of energy and effort that you could put into your project, work, family. You do what you don’t want. You go to a job you don’t like, live with a man you don’t love, or constantly agree to other people’s requests to the detriment of yourself and your rest. HealthYou haven’t checked your body for a long time and maybe you just have a lack of iron, which causes a loss of strength and energy. What should you do? a) If the reason is in the first 4 points, then, of course, go to a consultation with a psychologist. You need the help of a professional who will carefully help solve your problem. When your problem is no longer present, a lot of energy is released and your focus moves into the present moment. This means that you will begin to act more and faster, become more productive, and finish all unfinished tasks. b) Take care of your body. Get tested and check if everything is okay. Maybe you don't have enough vitamins, minerals or poor oxygen supply. We cannot turn a blind eye to our physical condition, since thanks to it we live, breathe, function. Medicine should not be excluded; it is better to work on ourselves with a psychologist and doctors, if necessary. Already after 1 month of work, my clients feel an incredible increase in strength and energy. Therefore, their income increases by 2-3 times, they leave the workforce, begin to quickly complete tasks and launch new projects. They achieve their goals quickly, because they now have the strength and energy to do so. If you want to be full of strength and energy, sign up for a consultation here.