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From the author: I invite psychologists and psychotherapists to learn how to work professionally with clients suffering from panic attacks at the seminar “Psychotherapy of Panic Disorder”. You can find out more about the seminar and register for it by following the link: To me sometimes Clients complain that they feel afraid. After I put together everything that leads to the symptoms of panic attacks, I got harmful advice “How to become a panicker.” So, do you want to regularly experience extreme fear? Then these tips are for you. Follow them and you are guaranteed to have panic disorder.1. Expect panic every second. Remember that it can overtake you at any moment.2. Listen to yourself very carefully. Notice everything that happens in the body.3. If you feel your heart beating, your breathing, unusual sensations in your head, slight excitement, or fear, no - this is not the effect of stress, not a reaction to alcohol or caffeine, not a little anxiety. Rest assured, all this is the beginning of a panic attack.4. Believe that you cannot cope with these feelings.5. Know that the worst possible scenario will happen. If you feel your heart - you will die from a heart attack, you become dizzy - you will go crazy, you become aware of your breathing - you will suffocate from an asthmatic attack, fly on a plane - you will crash, talk to your boss - you will spend the rest of your life in poverty. The list can be continued endlessly.6. If you imagine scary pictures, add some color to them. For example, if you are flying on an airplane, imagine in every detail exactly how you will fall during a crash - fire and smoke from which you cannot hide, the screams of distraught passengers, the abyss under the plane, crumpled debris and bloody remains of bodies. The more detailed and gruesome the images, the better.7. The opinion of others about yourself should become extremely important to you. No one should notice your “weakness”. Forbid yourself to be angry, cry, stand out, be openly scared, or show that you feel bad. Be as discreet as possible. And then the suppressed experiences will definitely break out in the form of panic attacks.8. To experience extreme fear, don't ask for anything directly. Let the attack do it for you. They encroach on your space, don’t leave you alone, torment you with advice - be patient. There is not enough attention, care, intimacy - hide your desires, from yourself too. An attack of panic, even without your participation, will allow you to outline personal boundaries or voice a request for help. In the article "Panic - a way to get what you want" you will learn about the benefits that panic attacks can bring.9. Do as many unpleasant things as possible - work in the wrong place, live with the wrong people. And then, in addition to panic, you guarantee yourself depression.10. Avoid situations in which you once felt bad. And let all similar situations become taboo for you. And then agoraphobia will be added to panic disorder. For more information on how avoidance leads to increased symptoms, read the article “Avoidance of Frightening Situations and Fear Generalization.” You will learn more about wrong ways to cope with panic in the article “Unsuccessful Ways to Control Panic.” Do you recognize yourself? Now you know what you do to keep your panic attacks at bay. It's up to you to decide whether to stay the same or start changing. To stop feeling fear, change your perception of panic attacks on your own. Learn to stop the build-up of fear and apply these skills in situations that cause fear. This will help you almost not experience unreasonable fears. And with the help of a psychologist, you will understand why you need attacks, what feelings are disguised as panic and what your innermost desires are repressed. This will not only help you become confident, but also make your life better. Source: http://xn--80aqahnk.net/152/© Vasilyeva O.B.