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Here science makes shocking breakthroughs! Artificial intelligence has learned to read minds! The research that I propose to consider raises many questions and surprises among specialists in the field of psychology and science in general. This research was published in the journal Nature in 2019 and related to the ability to read minds using neural interface technology (a system for exchanging information between the human brain and an electronic device). A team of researchers from the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) used small electrodes meshed on the head to record neuronal activity in the human visual cortex. They then used artificial intelligence to decode this activity and translate it into images that could be viewed on a computer screen. The researchers asked subjects wearing electrodes to look at images that were presented on a screen, and then asked them to imagine those images when they were removed from view. After artificial intelligence was trained to recognize patterns that were associated with specific neural activity, it was able to accurately recognize the images that patients imagined in their minds. This is all shocking because it showed that we can read and interpret human thoughts using neural interfaces. Although the study was conducted on only a few patients, its results have major implications for the development of new methods of communication and treatment for people who cannot speak or move. However, the ability to read other people's thoughts raises many ethical and practical questions. What are the consequences if someone can read our thoughts without our consent? How might this affect privacy and personal freedom? Some researchers propose using neural interfaces to facilitate communication among people with disabilities, such as people with paralysis or aphasia. Neural interfaces could help them control prosthetics or computers with their thoughts, allowing them to communicate more effectively and improve their quality of life. In addition, neural interfaces can be used to treat mental illnesses such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. However, before we can fully exploit this technology, we must grapple with a number of ethical and social issues. How can we protect the privacy and security of the data associated with our thoughts? How can we ensure that people have the right to control their thoughts and that this technology is not used to force thoughts or manipulate the mind? Neural interfaces are a modern and exciting area of ​​research that has the potential to bring great benefits to our society, but also raises many questions and concerns. In the future, we must continue research in this area to understand all its capabilities and limitations, and develop ethical and legal frameworks to use this technology for beneficial purposes..