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The school of astrology where I study says something like this: An astrologer exists to help a person avoid mistakes, to explain to him what the foundation of his constant failures consists of. And then, recognizing the mistake, a person gets the opportunity to get rid of it. Astrology can protect a person from unnecessary steps that lead to problems, negative consequences, unnecessary connections, illnesses, etc. When a person is freed from all this unnecessary burden of artificially constructed suffering, he will have time for creativity. - So, we come to the person himself. What does karmic astrology do? How long has it existed? Astrology is an ancient science. The concept of karma has existed in Indian philosophy for at least 5000 years. Astrology has existed for a very long time. Karma and fate are closely related to each other. Karmic astrology analyzes primarily the legacy of past incarnations. A person’s attitude towards many things in this life is determined by his experience of past incarnations. Here are some interesting examples. Damage to the ascending lunar node by Neptune in the horoscope indicates a negative religious experience; a person in a past life could have suffered from the church. And when we analyze horoscopes, we see that many atheists and many critics of the church have suffered from it in their time. Lenin has this aspect. As you know, he hated churchmen with a passion. He had a martyr's end in a previous life from the Inquisition. Hence, he himself did not realize why he hated church ministers. In the subconscious, the memory of past incarnations lives, but in a hidden state. Karmic astrology reveals this memory and explains a person’s fate. Explains who he was in a past life, what he did, what abilities he had. A 5-year-old child discovers some talents - musical, artistic, etc. But “Ex nihilo nihil fit” - nothing comes from nothing. Information, like energy, does not disappear without a trace and does not appear out of nothing. There is a law of conservation of energy, and there is also a law of conservation of information. It simply passes from one incarnation to another. — Thus, using astrological methods you can determine the previous incarnation? — Yes, you can determine when a person last incarnated, where and what he did. If the Ascending Node is damaged by the Moon, the person died in an accident, if damaged by Mars, he could be killed, by Uranus, he could be an outcast or commit suicide. Hitler's Ascending Node is damaged by Uranus. There is reason to believe that in a past life, as well as in this one, he committed suicide. - And examples of positive karma? - The same node in a harmonious aspect with the Sun - the person occupied a high social position. He could have been a king or a petty ruler. But everyone who was a ruler in a past life becomes one in the next. Karmic memory tells them how to effectively manage and dominate. And such people very quickly climb the social ladder - they become major leaders, presidents. Presidents in the past were emperors or kings. Anyone who was a nobody in a past life will not immediately become great in the current one. This is simply impossible - he needs to go through the path, gain karmic experience. Advancement is, of course, possible, but takeoff is excluded. To become a genius, an artist needs more than one incarnation to develop his skill. - However, we know that incarnations are given to a person so that he develops not just one ability, but different facets of his individuality, becomes more holistic and valuable... - Of course. There are 12 karmic tasks according to the number of Zodiac Signs. They are determined by the position of the Lunar Node in the Zodiac signs. The node moves in each new incarnation to the next sign, but in the opposite direction. And the karmic task changes all the time, which explains the change in activity. So, naturally, we go through all the tasks. — Does this mean that without going through a karmic lesson in the previous incarnation, a person receives the same conditions in the current one in order to still work outhim? That's not true. The negative karma that arises passes into the next incarnation. Fulfilled or failed to fulfill a karmic lesson, the law of karma inexorably transfers a person from one task to another. 12 problems form 1 turn of the spiral. One turn is the passage of a node through all signs of the Zodiac. In one Race there are 12 such revolutions. In other words, a person is given 144 incarnations in one Race. He is given the opportunity to repeat the same task 12 times. Well, multiply 144 by 7 - you get 1008 incarnations over 7 races. Agni Yoga speaks of 1000 human incarnations. - Karmic astrology can give an answer on what turn a person is on, what tasks he has completed, which ones he has not? - The level of personal development cannot be determined astrologically, otherwise one could put a stigma on everyone - this one is developed, this one is not, etc. You can only determine who he was and what he did. The fact is that fate is influenced by several factors that astrology cannot take into account. Firstly, fate is determined by heredity, substance, body, genetics. People of different races can have the same horoscope, but they have different genetics, which will influence in their own way. The second factor is upbringing. Two people born in Africa and America, at the same latitude and at the same time, will have the same horoscope under different starting conditions (cultural, family, etc.). Therefore, with a good horoscope, one of them can become president, and the other is the chief of the tribe. The horoscope is the same, but the cultural conditions are different - and the result is different. On the issue of young souls. What are young souls? These are criminals, 70% of whom are mentally disabled. We have now learned to identify some severe abnormalities in utero. For example, diagnosing Down syndrome in a fetus is possible using ultrasound. But such children must also be born, they must live among people. These are young souls in intermediate stages of development. You cannot break the chain of evolution and get rid of the mentally handicapped. Breaking the evolutionary chain threatens certain karmic consequences for humanity. Another factor is free will. But speaking of free will, we should remember that on the physical plane we are limited. A person cannot help but breathe, eat, drink, and sleep. It is strictly determined on the physical plane. On the astral plane, he is more free, but is also limited by various complexes, motivations, subconscious structures, emotions, etc., which dictate certain forms of behavior. There is more freedom on the mental plane, but there remain limitations in the form of thoughts and orthodox ideas. And only in the spirit does a person gain complete freedom. - Then astrology is almost unable to predict the future for a person, since there are many factors that cannot be taken into account, and especially the factor of free will... The horoscope is interpreted depending on social conditions, on the level of culture. Regarding free will, how can a person make good use of free will if he has no idea about his own future? It's like driving down a dark road with your headlights off. An astrologer, like a spotlight, illuminates a person’s path. And already in the illuminated space of life, a person is able to use free will. - And how astrology can take into account moments in life when a person hesitates when making an important decision. One decision - fate goes in one direction, another - a completely different fate? - The fact is that the adoption of this or that decision is also largely predetermined, and astrology sees this. Why is the astral body called astral - stellar? Because the astral body, the body of desires, is subject to the influence of the stars, the Cosmos. It is the Cosmos, influencing the astral body, that causes in a person certain desires, intentions, interests, inclinations, a state of love, in the end. Astrology can predict when a person will have a love affair, how deep it will be. Imagine the situation: an astrologer predicts love in the future for a family man. A person knows in advance and the situation does not take him by surprise. Then 2.0 .