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From the author: Loneliness in itself is neither bad nor good. What matters is how a person experiences this loneliness. The feeling of loneliness. Either dark and selfish, or icy and hidden, it relentlessly haunts the world, bringing fear and social disapproval. Is it necessary to hide from images of loneliness? Imagine a book in which all the words are continuous, without spaces. Can you read such a book? Most likely not. In order for the flow of words in a book to gain meaning, it is necessary to separate one word from another, there is a need for emptiness between words, certain pauses that make it possible to understand. In the same way, moments of separation, solitude, and pause in relationships are necessary in a person’s life so that one can understand something about oneself, otherwise there will be no personal development, no growth. Loneliness in itself is neither bad nor good. What matters is how a person experiences this loneliness. To some extent, loneliness is an epiphany. Insight from unhealthy relationships, from previous values ​​and lifestyle, the opportunity to take care of yourself, your emotional and physical state, your spiritual growth and development. But if the individual becomes a hostage to loneliness, dramatizing or glorifying his condition, when life turns into a fight with “others” and to prove one’s own importance or to immerse oneself in one’s fantasies and break from reality, loneliness can be a sign that makes sense to read. Why do we tend to worry about loneliness? And why does the feeling of deep loneliness scare us? There are many reasons, and they are significant. This is also a genetically inherent fear of survival. Man is a physiologically poorly adapted creature for survival (no fur, claws, keen sense of smell and keen eye, etc.). And, at one time, in order not to be eaten by predators, in order not to freeze, in order to somehow get food for ourselves, it was necessary to unite with our own kind. Expulsion from the tribe was equivalent to death - you cannot survive alone. Nowadays, the problem of physiological survival does not arise explicitly; a person can obtain security and protection from hunger and cold through the equivalent - money. The community has been replaced by a monetary equivalent, but the fear of “you can’t survive alone” exists in a modified form (without money you can’t provide food and a roof over your head, and money can only be obtained in society by entering into relationships). This is also a philosophical question of the finitude of life and relationships with God and Infinity. In an effort to overcome the tragedy of death, a person often seeks support in communication with other people. Another reason for the fear of loneliness may be the need for procreation. And it’s not just a matter of the desire to give life and love to a new creature, but a kind of fear that the laid down life program will not be fulfilled, and therefore someone is needed who will continue to implement it. To some extent, anxiety about loneliness inherent in the process of personality development itself. Initially, the child does not realize that he is separate; he “sees” the mother as his continuation and is in a state of immediate satisfaction of needs. But by the age of 3, the child begins to realize his independence, his boundaries, his limited capabilities and encounters prohibitions. Upbringing and social environment can have a decisive influence on whether a child will trust this world and himself. On the one hand, there is a fear of dissolving and losing your identity. On the other hand, build impenetrable boundaries of your Ego and isolate yourself or begin to “absorb others.” How to get rid of the constant feeling of loneliness and uselessness? Oddly enough, we forget that in addition to the thoughts in our heads, we have a body and emotions. Get yourself out of the “concrete mixer” of thoughts! The body understands the language of sensations, give it what it needs. Please your eyes with the contemplation of nature, city landscapes, paintings. How long have you listened to live music? You might want to go to a concert or listen to street musicians. How long have you been