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Good day everyone! Subscribe to a series of webinars on self-knowledge. Limitations. Who creates them? The topic of limitations is one of the main ones in self-knowledge and perception of the world, as it prevents us from using and realizing all our capabilities, so generously provided by the Universe. Without knowing yourself, it is difficult to find happiness and achieve success. Therefore, this issue needs to be given special attention. We live on planet Earth, it is round and has no boundaries, space is limitless, the sea has boundaries only from a flight altitude, the process of life and death is eternal. If you look at the Universe from a global point of view, everything has always been, is and will be. A person is born, grows, matures, ages, dies, this is an unchanging endless process. You can only change life at the moment of life. While we live, we can influence our lives in the present time. How can we influence it? If we live, and everything in the world was, is and will be, then we can live the way we want? So or not? If you believe that everyone can create their own reality and live as they want, this is your truth, so it will be. If you don’t believe it, it’s also yours, it’s true, and your life will develop according to what you believe in. All people, from birth, have the right to success and happiness. We have every right to enjoy all the existing abundance. The question is how much we use this right. What country we were born in, in what family and social environment, what kind of upbringing, education, etc., is not a limitation of our rights and opportunities. These are just external factors of our life that do not have any impact on our innate abilities, do not affect the opportunities that are around us - they ALWAYS exist. If you analyze the lives of successful and happy people, it will show that they were born in different countries, sometimes in very dysfunctional or single-parent families, not everyone has doctoral degrees, not everyone is beautiful and smart, but at the same time successful and happy. Therefore, anyone can become successful. All successful people have one thing in common - faith. Faith in your dream, your reality, your success. For example, D. Kerry, born in a poor family, as we can see, is successful and happy. G. Ford, achieved success with primary education. A person is not born successful, he becomes one thanks to himself, his thinking, dedication to his dream, determination, perseverance, dedication and faith. And faith does not lie in the fact that one day he will win the lottery, or a kind uncle will leave an inheritance, or the state will take care of him, although these possibilities are not excluded in the thinking of a successful person. The main faith of a successful person is faith in himself, in life, in strength, in limitless possibilities, in the endless help of the Universe (God)! Accordingly, a successful person receives according to his faith - he searches, finds, notices, sees limitless opportunities, meets those people who he seeks and attracts into his life, finds resources to implement his ideas, and such a person is always open to ideas. And I assure you of this kind of thinking, there is no room for doubt, a person experiences everything, practices, perhaps makes mistakes, but does not stop, so he knows that there are no restrictions, that sooner or later he will find what he is looking for, this is the natural outcome of the thinking described above !Everyone can achieve success, at any age, anywhere on the planet, in any social position. Success does not depend on external factors. You tell me how! And the royal families, and the inheritance, and the huge winnings, etc. Do you really think this is a success? Have you ever thought about what kind of responsibility this is in the first place? After all, wealth and high position in society first of all require appropriate behavior. Show business stars are always surrounded by reporters, correspondents, fans, etc. Would you really want your life to be in the public domain every day? Personally, I don’t. The president of the country, not only is he always surroundedabove, also makes decisions that affect the lives of millions of people. Would you like to be responsible for such decisions? You doubt whether you can become successful, and then also be responsible for the whole country. An inheritance, like winnings, is so easy to come by that, as a rule, it is also easily wasted. If the person who received the inheritance or winnings achieved his success, then the inheritance or winnings were only an opportunity that was skillfully used. Large sums of money, without skillful handling, are spent in the shortest possible time, and do not always bring benefit to their sudden owner and others. Success is not material well-being, it is the realization of oneself with the desired result. Do you want to be successful? Be it. Who can stop you? Do you have a dream? Make it happen. Believe that you can and you will. Do you have goals? Reach them. Don’t retreat, look even where, according to all logical laws, there is no point in looking, be open, and the answer will come on its own. What are your dreams, what are your goals, what is the concept of success for you? Every successful person knows the answers to these questions, but do you know? All restrictions were invented only by man in order to justify himself. Are you saying you don’t have money, or time, or connections, or you’re not as beautiful as show business stars? How do you justify yourself? There is only one true justification - this is banal human laziness. It's easier. They created their own comfort zone, set automatic minimum standard goals, believed that this was the norm of life, and that’s all. Do you think you are only capable of doing what you do? That successful people initially have great capital, skills and knowledge that help them achieve success? Many of those who turn to me for help motivate their inaction precisely in this way: “but I don’t have money”, “I’m already past that age”, “I don’t have the same appearance”, “this is just my pipe dream” ... There is no such thing as a “pipe dream,” only you can make it impossible, and vice versa. I want to ask you one question, answer it right away, as you read. In the third grade, did you easily understand the concept of an integral, or solve problems in geometry, or knew economics? Well, I think your beliefs about your abilities have been shaken. Human abilities are not limited. Everyone can read, write, master any foreign language, draw, sing, play sports, drive various types of transport, devote themselves to science, become an expert on financial exchanges, an agent, a lawyer, a doctor, a company owner, etc. The same people do all this! Not Gods from Olympus! And ordinary mortal people. So tell me, why are you worse? You just need to eliminate mental limitations, look into yourself and find out “what do I want?” This is the first step towards success. In the future, of course, devotion to the chosen path, determination, faith, etc. are necessary. But the first step is precisely the removal of the restrictions you once created. Think about what the faith in your beliefs is based on. Perhaps your parents often told you about this at one time, perhaps you were raised this way, perhaps you were convinced of something several times, etc. But this does not mean that it cannot be otherwise. I assure you, it can! You have a job that you don’t like or are not satisfied with the income. Find another job, no one is stopping you from doing so. You don’t love your spouse, but you have children together and want to save your family. Why keep what is already lost? Just because someone judges you, or someone disagrees with your opinion? Is the opinion of others so important to you that you are ready to put it above your own? Did you want to take up dancing as a child, but now you are already forty? This is an excuse. Can you give me examples of older people taking up dancing? Even if not professionally and not on stage, but your dream will come true, even if you show yourself that you can do it. You can continue endlessly. Do not limit yourself to the experience you have experienced and the experience of your loved ones. You deserve success! You have the right and are able to.