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What does emotional dependence feel like? What emotions and feelings does an emotionally dependent person experience? What to do? This will be discussed in my new article. Have you been walking in the forest on a sunny summer day? The trees are surrounded by greenery, the sun is shining gently, the weather is warm and clear. Here you are walking along a forest path, different trees meet you on the way, along the way you pick mushrooms and berries, perhaps some herbs or flowers. The birds sing merrily and enjoy the summer sun. The sky is clear. You are walking through a green forest, hiding from the sun in the shade of its trees. You leisurely collect fruits and nuts from the trees. What are you experiencing? Most likely, you have a feeling of peace, tranquility, warmth. Have you had a walk? You come out onto a path that leads you out of the forest. This picture of the forest is your state without signs of emotional dependence. And now another picture. You come to the forest on a sunny summer day. The trees are also surrounded by greenery, the sun is shining, you walk along the path, picking mushrooms and berries around. But the weather begins to change. Clouds appeared in the sky. A light rain began to fall. You don’t even have to open your umbrella; some people like to walk in the summer rain. You are still collecting fruits, walking along a path that can lead you out of the forest. But the weather is getting worse and worse. And now large clouds are already running across the sky, the sun has hidden, the rain has intensified. Wind started to blow. How do you like this weather in the forest? What do you want to do? Are you comfortable? Opening an umbrella and waiting out the rain won’t work, it’s too cold and damp. You hardly find a path that leads you through a difficult thicket, past a deep ravine into which you can easily fly, past thorny trees that you had not noticed before. Or maybe they weren't there. And now, with great difficulty, you get out of the forest. But what did it cost you... The weather in the forest worsened even more. Huge black clouds are floating across the sky. It's pouring rain. A strong wind blows leaves from the trees. Some trees cannot withstand such gusts and fall to the ground. The rain is pouring down like a wall. It's hard to move forward. You can't make out the roads. The hurricane is such that leaves, tree branches are flying at you, there are puddles and dirt all around. You can't get out. There is no road. Such weather in the forest reflects a state of emotional dependence. But it all started, as it seemed to you, with clear weather. And without noticing it, you found yourself in an impassable forest thicket, and even in the most powerful hurricane. But it is not always possible to immediately notice that there is no road out of the forest. After all, sometimes relief comes when the object of your emotional dependence showed attention to you, interest, called, wrote, or somehow showed up. It seems to you that you can see a path in the distance through the trees and grass. But after this, the object of your addiction again disappeared from your field of vision, did not appear, was lost. You are starting to feel withdrawal symptoms. Let's go back to the forest. And now you reach the path that you managed to find with great difficulty. But this is just wind-worn grass. But there is no way out. What are your emotions and sensations? Frustration, anger, resentment, aggression. What is the condition? You feel uncomfortable, cold, damp. Do you want to quickly get out of this scary forest? What to do? Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of emotional dependence on your own. It is better to contact an experienced psychologist who specializes in solving this problem. I wrote about my practice in this article How to get rid of emotional dependence: client case No. 2 About the signs of emotional dependence in this article 7 signs of emotional dependence: love to the grave If you want to get rid of emotional dependence , sign up for a consultation with me. Sign up via Telegram and WhatsApp. Did you like the article? Then subscribe to the publications and don’t forget to like. What's the weather like in your forest??