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From a minus to a plus. From a plus to an even bigger plus. Whatever happens to us is not a problem, but a task that has a solution. You just need to know the ways. Any difficult situation is not a problem, but a resource. You just need to see it and benefit from it. Psychologist Yulia Pritchina knows how to do this and is ready to pass this tool on to people. To repair a shelf, go to a carpenter. Soul - to a psychologist. A man has a problem. Why should he decide to go to a psychologist, and not go complain to a friend, drink at a bar, or consult with his mother? A friend or mother, unless, of course, they are psychologists, will advise what to do. These tips will be imposed and, most likely, incorrect, because they are based on other people's experience. And we're talking about your life. Drinking in a bar is also prohibited. Poor health, headache... And most importantly, all this does not solve the problem. There are two worlds - the well-known external world and the rich, but almost unfamiliar internal world, which has its own laws. And if a problem arises in the outside world - a shelf breaks - we know how to solve it - we take nails, a hammer and nail it in place. But if experiences arise in the inner world, a person is not always able to cope with them on his own. This is not something external – it’s not about hammering in a nail, but since the problem is inside, then the solution must be sought there. A psychologist is a guide through a person’s inner world. But he will not show you where to go, he will carefully ask you where you want to go. You and the psychologist should feel good - trusting. What should you focus on when choosing a psychologist? Only internal sensations. You can read what he writes, make a phone call to find out how he expresses himself, what thoughts he expresses. You should feel that you are ready to communicate with him. Mental comfort is very important. You should feel good with him - trusting. Otherwise, you will not be able to open up, and the benefits of therapy will be much less. Of course, you can collect feedback. You just need to use recommendations with caution: a specialist who suits another person will not necessarily suit you. But by and large, there is a large market for psychology services, where you can behave like an adequate, thoughtful consumer - choose, compare, ask questions: what problems does the specialist deal with, what method does he use, does he like his work. If a psychologist is at peace with himself, if he looks happy and radiates joy, it is likely that he will help you find your inner happiness. This is the case when a shoemaker should wear boots. “Mental first aid” and “soul hygiene”. How to determine whether a person needs to see a psychologist? There is emergency psychological help. It is necessary when a serious mental problem arises (stress, shock, depression, discord in relationships). If you feel that you cannot cope on your own; if some negative state returns over and over again: you are not in the mood, you don’t want anything, you are shaking, you are nervous, you are overwhelmed with emotions, you need “first mental help.” And there is psychological help, which can be called “soul hygiene.” Each of us has a desire to understand ourselves, learn to cope with our emotions, cultivate some quality in ourselves, or find joy in life. You can also come to a psychologist with this. A specialist will become an assistant in your spiritual and personal development. If you imagine a coordinate system, emergency psychology helps you get out of minus into plus, and personal development is the direction from plus to even greater plus. The task of a psychologist is to introduce and reconcile a person with himself. What to expect as a result of communication with a psychologist? The task of a psychologist is to introduce and reconcile a person with himself. Working with the inner world, the psychologist creates conditions under which a person begins to better understand his feelings and goals. When it is clear why certain feelings come to you, you make life decisions based on.