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What is time? What does time mean to you? Minutes that turn into hours, days, years? It would seem that everything is clear: we live in chronological time, where there is past, present and future; We try to get as much done as possible, learning to use time most effectively. Or vice versa, relaxing and going with the flow. Some of us systematically move towards our goals day after day, while others manage to reach your goal much faster. What does this mean? About the fact that the other person is smarter, faster or luckier? Where does luck, opportunity and luck live? This is exactly what we will be talking about. No matter what financial situation we achieve, each of us does not have much time and life is approximately the same. There are no millionaires in the area of ​​time. Time is irreplaceable. Lost time, lost opportunities, unlike lost money, cannot be returned. The art of keeping up is one of the most important human arts. The question is what to do. It is important to find your life goals and values, plan your time in accordance with them, spend irreplaceable time on what is really important to you. How many of the goals and desires that you realize are really yours? Or does it happen that someone can catch you “weakly”? For example: “Can you (are you weak) negotiate with a new supplier on favorable terms for us?”; “You are probably unlikely to ever occupy a leadership position (and how weak are you to take this position)!”; “No one can reconcile them (weak?)!” etc. And you are already in the process of fulfilling other people’s desires... You can spend your life on the right goals, on serving the values ​​of other people, on achieving the unrealized desires of loved ones. At the same time, you may sincerely believe that you are achieving your goals. But then there will still be doubt inside you: am I on the right path, am I going there? Perhaps you sincerely hope that you will have time to do what is really important to you. Postponing life and your desires “for later” rarely justifies itself. “Later” may not come due to various unforeseen factors (which cannot be planned): accident, tsunami, financial losses, illness, etc. It is sad and disappointing to face what is most important for yourself, you did not have time. There is joke: “- Father, am I living correctly? - Correctly, my son, but in vain...” In order to keep up, you need to understand the nature of time and its flow. So what is “time”? Nowadays, people are in a very tough situation the trap of self-deception, which lies in the fact that time is measured by the clock: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The trap appeared because we were taught from childhood that time flows at the same speed: 60 seconds per minute. We, in turn, sincerely believed in this. We are pleased to believe that time is one and the same hypostasis. However, as we know, the first week of repair and the last are completely different temporary experiences, just like for a student, a month before the session and one day. This effect is visually noticeable and can be seen on the hourglass. At first the sand flows slowly in a thin stream, then it flows faster, and then it completely collapses. But the brain refuses to believe this. In Greek mythology, time had two Gods, fundamentally different, but existing simultaneously. We managed to put two times into one bottle. It's like mixing sauce with shampoo: you can't wash your hair and it's not tasty to eat. As a result of this mix, people were faced with such a concept as a “time rift.” This is when you just woke up, and already - bang! - and evening came; or when time has frozen in one position. You need to live at the intersection of two times, but not in their mixture. So, there are two Gods of time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos - concerns the chronological sequence or time that has passed and devours everything (has a quantitative nature); Kairos is an elusive moment of luck that always comes unexpectedly, and therefore it is very difficult to take advantage of it (has a qualitative character). Chronos has a past, present and future. This timelinear. This means that we need to live “here and now,” because yesterday cannot be corrected, and tomorrow has not yet come and still depends on us. All the classics of time management concern Chronos: how to learn to use time effectively, save, plan, and prioritize. Skills are important to Chronos. This is an effective rational use of time. We will pay more attention to the second hypostasis of time - Kairos - since you can acquire the skills yourself, many unique books are devoted to this. Kairos is the ancient Greek God of a happy moment; time for a change. This is when Fate opens new perspectives for a person. In the moment of Kairos, all events appear in their true light. This is the moment of insight, transformation, turning of the world in time - Chronos and space - Topose. Kairos is event time. From a Kairos point of view there is no past, present and future. Events exist in space in full and simultaneously. We enter into some event, and then it “comes to life.” We get stuck in some event without even realizing it, and then it begins to absorb our energy. You can enter an event and you can exit it. If the event is successful, then minimal effort is needed for something to happen there. When time and space align in such a way that minimal effort is required to produce results, such as the right people being in the right place, in a good position and ready to cooperate, this is a Kairos moment. Kairos is the God of good timing and moment. And then you need skills, because when opportunities open up, you need to be able to run quickly and use time wisely. So, all events exist and exist simultaneously. Moreover, each event has its own rhythm (pulsation at a certain frequency, or vibration). To enter an event, you need to catch its rhythm and resonance. To get out of it, you need to launch an anti-wave. By learning to feel the rhythm of an event, you can learn to enter into the desired events, and either avoid the unwanted ones or go through them on a tangent if they are inevitable. The movie “The Secret,” well known to many, tells the story that in order to attract something you want into your life, you need to really want it, imagine yourself having it, and be in a positive mood. This is to be in resonance with an event, and for this you need to enter a certain state - a state of power. From our point of view, we have a past, present and future. From a Kairos point of view, life is a single event. And if life is a single event, then there are places in it where energy accumulates and places where this energy is trapped. It is never homogeneous. There are points where there are several roads, so-called forks, as in fairy tales: “if you go to the left, you will lose your horse, if you go to the right, ....” There is also a point of power, where you gain clarity. Everyone has their own point of strength: for some it occurs at 20 years old, for others at 40 or 75. You need to find it. This is the age point where the strongest influx of strength, wisdom and calm is felt. This is the point where I would like to live. If you are in a failure, then you need to get out of it to the “point of power” and look at the failure from there. Then it becomes clear what decision or situation led to failure. This seems strange: how can one enter a power point, much less find out where it is. There is a method for determining a power point; this is learned during training. However, it is there anyway. Without knowing the age designation of this point, you can simply write “my power point” on a piece of paper, put the sheet on the floor and stand on it. After standing at this point for several minutes, you will learn for yourself the sensations of this point. Since life is a single event, no matter how old you are now, you can enter your point of power at any moment. From this point (standing on a piece of paper) you can look at any situation in your life, any complexity. Unexpected decisions always come from this place. There are many events in our lives and they are different. There are events within which there are many.