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It’s quite normal to worry from time to time. Anxiety disorders are something completely different. It is excessive, constant worry and fear or even terror about everyday situations. Doctors diagnose generalized anxiety disorder when patients experience anxiety symptoms most of the time for six months or more. Whatever the form of anxiety, there are ways and techniques that alleviate or help completely get rid of this condition. Methods of combating Conventionally, methods for independently combating panic can be divided into 2 groups: Strategic. ▪︎ Stay physically active. Exercise is a powerful way to reduce stress and improve your mood. Avoid alcohol, smoking, drugs, caffeine. These substances make the situation worse.▪︎ Use relaxation and stress management techniques. Visualization techniques, meditation and yoga can help relieve anxiety. Make sleep a priority. Get enough sleep.▪︎ Eat healthy. Check your thoughts. People with anxiety disorders tend to obsess over bad scenarios. Systematic reappraisal of fears teaches the brain to find rational methods of dealing with anxiety and negative thoughts. ▪︎ Identify situations or actions that increase anxiety. Communicate. Don't let panic and fears isolate you from loved ones and activities. ▪︎ Stay in the present. Anxiety is a state of our mind that is focused on the future. Reflect on what is happening and around you in the present, instead of worrying about what will happen in the future.▪︎ Rename what is happening. Panic attacks often make you feel like you're dying or having a heart attack. Remind yourself: “I’m having a panic attack, it’s harmless and will end soon.” Learn more about the disorder. Tactical. Practice breathing exercises. Deep breathing calms and focuses your attention. Use the 3-3-3 rule. Name out loud 3 objects that you see at the moment. Then 3 sounds that you hear. Finally, move 3 body parts. This will help bring you back to the present moment. Just do something. Take a walk, go grocery shopping—any activity that interrupts your thought process helps you regain a sense of control. Stand up straight. When a person is anxious, they hunch over to protect the part of the body where the heart and lungs are located. To get an immediate physical “antidote,” open your chest, keeping your shoulders back and your feet slightly apart. This will make you feel like your body is in control. Try to stay away from sugar. When we are stressed, our hands reach for a chocolate bar or a candy bowl. At the same time, eating sweets in large quantities increases anxiety. Instead, it is better to drink water or eat protein, which will provide the body with the slow-burning energy it needs to recover. Call a loved one and tell them about what is bothering you. Saying your experiences out loud to someone else sometimes helps you see them clearly as they really are. Watch a funny movie or video. This tactic is perhaps the simplest and most effective than physical training. Research has proven that humor and laughter are a good cure for anxiety. Anxiety may not go away on its own, but may only get worse over time if you do not seek professional help. It is easier to recover if you do it earlier. Good luck in working on yourself!