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Cinema did not have a name for a very long time. In different countries and in different strata of society it was called differently - “kinomo-, chromo-, phono-, mega-, scopograph”, “illusion”, “kiki”, “kinemoshka” or “kinemoshka”. The only word that has survived to this day is “cinema”. The word "cinema" comes from Germany. The Lumière brothers, the official founders of all cinema, did not believe in the future of their industry at all. In their opinion, cinema is just farcical entertainment, interest in which will quickly disappear. Apparently, they were very much mistaken in this. This is confirmed by the worldwide popularity of the Oscars. The largest number of Oscars in the history of the film awards went to two films: Titanic and The Lord of the Rings. Here are just a few interesting, in my opinion, facts from the history of cinema: The costume of the main character in the movie “RoboCop” was so heavy and warm that the actor who played this role, Peter Weller, lost three pounds a day. As a result, we even had to install air conditioning in the suit. The most popular film hero, Sherlock Holmes, was filmed more than 200 times. The most expensive film in the history of cinema is Star Wars. Episode 1”, $115 million was spent on its filming. The most famous quote from the film is “May the Force be with you” - in English it sounds like “May the Force be with you”. This pun phrase can also be understood as “May the 4th be with you.” That is why fans of this saga celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4. In the comedy “Bruce Almighty,” a real-life telephone number was announced, and its owner began a lawsuit against the film company because fans of the film began to pester him, who tirelessly called and asked God. The country in which the most films are currently shot is not America, but India. I don’t know how they do it, but about seven hundred and fifty feature films are shot in India every year, that is, 2 films a day. Richard Gere himself plays the piano in the film “Pretty Woman.” Moreover, he himself composed the musical excerpt that he performed. During the enormous popularity of Charlie Chaplin, “Chapliniads” were held throughout America - competitions for the best imitation of the actor. Chaplin himself participated in one of these competitions in San Francisco incognito, but failed to win. To film a scene with an old Afghan man in the film “9th Company,” a donkey was needed. The film crew contacted the Yalta Zoo, explaining that they needed an animal that was not afraid of the camera and loud sounds. Zoo workers immediately recommended the donkey Lucy, who almost 40 years ago starred in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” carrying Shurik. She also played the role in “9th Company” perfectly. Bruce Lee’s movements and blows were so fast that sometimes the usual shooting mode - 24 frames per second - did not allow them to be captured, and it was necessary to use a special mode of 32 frames per second. The film's budget " Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction was so small that most of the actors worked on sheer enthusiasm or for a nominal fee. John Travolta received only $100,000 for his role, and Bruce Willis generally worked “for the idea.” The most memorable film phrase of all time is “I’ll be back” from the film “Terminator”, 1984. Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who played the main role in this film, decided not to blink at all, because he believed that robots could not do this. What interesting things do you know about cinema??