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It happens... This is how our human nature is designed, that a life that has begun to emerge can suddenly end. Along with hopes, plans, dreams, fantasies. Together with the future, which was already imagined with a new little man. You can already see how you hold him to your chest, feed him, swaddle him, carry him in a stroller, communicate, laugh, rejoice. He has not yet been born, but you feel that he is already yours and you are already starting to get used to him, starting to love him. And suddenly everything. He is gone, he is frozen, he is not developing, his heart has stopped beating. And at this moment it seems that the whole world is against you. Such monstrous injustice, such cutting and burning pain inside. How so? Why? Why me? Why with me? - these are the first feelings that grip a woman who has lost a child in the womb. Of course there are tears, of course the support of loved ones, it’s not easy for them either, don’t push each other away: you don’t know what to say, just be there. If you don’t have the strength to cry, switch your attention to topics distracted from childbirth. Tears will still come out sooner or later, and tears should come out along with pain and bitterness. Don’t look for those to blame. Even if they exist, and you know exactly who is to blame, do not rush to make any decisions. Take a break, accept the situation, and only then ask yourself whether you are ready to waste your time and energy on punishing the guilty, or whether it is better to spend your invaluable time and energy on something good, on something that will still allow you to feel the joy of parenthood. After tears, try to turn on your diet. Start thinking dryly and within the framework of physiology. There can be many reasons for a miscarriage. Most often, the problem is due to the fact that some kind of genetic failure has occurred, and nature simply wisely ordered not to burden your life with a more severe loss. Raising and raising a seriously ill child with genetic abnormalities is not a challenge for everyone. Perhaps the reason is your health or the health of the child’s father - this is a reason to take care of yourself and undergo the necessary examinations. Don’t forget that your body has gone through certain changes, incl. hormonal changes. Your psychological state may be associated with physiological changes. When your hormonal levels are restored, you will feel much better. Until your hormonal levels are restored, try not to take any drastic actions or act out of the blue. Relatives and friends also need to take into account all these factors when communicating with a woman who has lost a pregnancy. Losing an unborn child is difficult, but any test in life gives us the opportunity to learn something, opens up new horizons for us to understand ourselves and the world around us. We begin to understand more and feel better. We change for the better when we approach challenges with gratitude. Even if your child has lived only a few weeks or a few months inside you, he has still already completed his mission on earth. He did something for you that you should comprehend and maybe change something in your life, and your gratitude will be a great gift for him. Original articles on my VK page