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Here you need to understand that there are no common criteria for everyone. When I hear a similar question from a client, I am in no hurry to answer so as not to introduce my own personal meanings. And first I begin to clarify the vision and feeling of the client himself. The first thing to do is to turn inward with questions: - What is rest for me personally? - What kind of rest allows me to recharge my energy? It can be an active holiday when you go away with everything go skiing or skating with your family, or go to ballroom dancing classes. If you do heavy physical work during the week, you may want to wrap yourself in a blanket, sit on your favorite sofa with a cup of hot aromatic tea and watch a comedy series or, on the contrary, a sad melodrama .That is, you need to determine for yourself what you need right now most of all: * Solitude or company * Passivity or activity * Closeness or detachment from everyone * Creativity or solving logical problems. Basically, each of us does not Enough contact with nature. At any time of the year, it is good to choose a time for a walk in the forest or park, communicating with animals. In winter, most often, we really miss light and bright colors. It is very useful to arrange color therapy for yourself: go to an exhibition of paintings or watch an Indian movie full of music and colors. You can put a bright tablecloth and a small basket of tangerines or oranges on the table. Orange color will bring a touch of joy into your life (but only if it is “your” color) Don’t forget about relaxation with the help of aroma. If you can’t be in the forest, you can always fill your home with the scents of the forest or flowers. Any animal understands what it needs to do to rest. It feels it instinctively. Likewise, it makes sense for a person to turn off all thoughts for a while and listen to his body: what does it want now? Movement or rest? Noise or silence? And don’t rush him with an answer. Take a piece of paper and a pen in your hands and start writing on behalf of your own body: - Hello, master! Thank you for paying attention to me! I want water, a lot of water, both outside and inside. Thank you for asking me. I once wrote these lines when I was training in body therapy. I hope that you too will be able to get your body’s answer. And you will have your own. Sometimes this answer may be unexpected, most likely it will be so. But this is something that will help replenish your strength and resources. Try something new - something you have never done before; novelty will help you feel more alive in your life. Its freshness. Meet new people, if you feel internal stagnation, try new smells, new tastes, movements and ideas. Summarizing the above, I want to summarize: the basis or criterion for choosing a quality rest are your unfulfilled needs. By nourishing them, you will be able to have a wholesome and quality rest from the routine of everyday life.© Maria Ivanova.