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Good afternoon, dear readers, I hasten to please you with the beginning of a new section “Relationship Management”. In this section, I will share information on how to competently build and manage relationships. Here my original articles, interviews with famous masters of their craft, spiritual gurus, specialists and professionals in their field will be presented. My first article will be based on communication with the amazing master of life Alexander Gennadievich Khakimov. Spiritual name - Chaitanya Chandra Charan Das - a well-known specialist in Vedic culture in Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries, writer, psychologist, artist, philosopher, theologian, preacher. Alexander Gennadievich Khakimov is the author of the books: “Karma”, “Reincarnation”, “The Last exam”, “Spiritual family life”, “Varnashrama-dharma”, “Levels of consciousness” and others. He is the author of such seminars as: “Perfection of Love”, “Science of Relationships”, “Laws of Fate”, “Crises of Love”, “Levels consciousness”, “How to become happy”, “Formula of the world”, “The nature of the mind”, “Anatomy of a false ego” and many others. Alexander Gennadievich Khakimov is a spiritual leader and Honorary Director of the John Favors Institute of Applied Spiritual Technologies. Alexander Gennadievich shared with me that, according to the ancient Vedas, everything in this world has Dharma. Dharma is the nature, essence, properties of something or someone. For example, the dharma of stone is hardness, the dharma of salt is salinity, the dharma of fire is to give warmth, illuminate... The dharma of man is love, wisdom (I would also add service). Next, Alexander Khakimov spoke about the essence of women and men and how they can manage their relationships for harmony in the family and in relationships between themselves and children. Men, like women, have a brain that consists of the left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, reason, intelligence, rationality... The right hemisphere is responsible for emotions, feelings, creativity... A man is more likely to think in the left hemisphere, and a woman is more likely to think in the right hemisphere. Psychologists believe that if we take the performance of the hemispheres as a unit of measurement, then in the case of a man this will be equal to 1 (intellectual strength, emotional stability), then the woman will have 1-1.5 units. But the ancient Vedas indicate 9 units. The question arises, why are the figures of the Vedas so different from the data of modern psychologists? The answer turned out to be simple. The ancient Vedas say that a woman has 9 units, if she is chaste - she loves and honors one man. But modern women live with some, look at others, criticize their men, express their dissatisfaction... in a word, they become scattered and this is where the reduction of 9 units to 1.5 units occurs. If a woman (wife) belongs to one man, loves and honors him, then this man is becoming great. Since he is given 9 units. As the French say cherchez la femme - look for the woman (behind the great man, author). If a man develops only rationality, then his emotions fall asleep. A woman’s task is to develop his emotional sphere. For example, a wife can ask to look after the children, tell her about her love for her, she can cry in order to touch a man and awaken his sensory-emotional sphere. In essence, a woman acts as a switch for a man’s rational and emotional parts. The role is very important. namely wives. Since a woman evokes feelings in a man, a wife evokes wisdom and intelligence. A woman is the path to hell, a wife is the path to salvation. Next, Alexander Khakimov spoke about the 7 stages of marriage.1. Falling in love is a stage that lasts from 8 months to 1.5 years (while the dopamine-endomine cocktail is in effect - dopamine, the hormone of joy, and endorphin, the hormone of happiness. During this period, it is better not to make decisions about marriage, since in this state it is difficult to make a reasonable decision. .).2. Accustoming is the stage when a couple lives together because they are already accustomed to each other, they have acquired a lot and experienced a lot3. Quarrels are the stage when nagging and scandals begin. The stage they talk about, the darlings scold, only amuse themselves. Basically this