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Achievements sound good, who doesn’t want them? In work, in love, in friendship, in sports..."Be successful, set goals and achieve them!" 💪 - cool, isn’t it? Not really. The topic of desires, goals and success is now very skewed. The culture of achievement has permeated almost all areas of human life. Level of education, prestigious job, high salary, strong marriage, smart, successful children are the achievements by which people evaluate each other and themselves. ⚡The race for success, for the realization of an extremely significant goal has become one of the main causes of anxiety disorders. “I need to get what I want! If I don’t succeed, it will be terrible. That means I’m a weakling/fool/nothing...” “If I don’t succeed, then I’m a failure, and people will turn away from me.” “If I failed If I fail several times, it means I’m worthless and will never achieve anything.” “If I don’t get what I want, then there’s no point in living. I’ll never be happy.” I have heard many times from clients these and other irrational beliefs on the topic of achievements and success. What are the results of such categoricalness ❓ Perhaps success? Unfortunately no. 1️⃣ Anxiety. You have left yourself only one option for happiness, how can you not worry? Either I achieve it and there will be happiness, or that’s all, failure, which is equated to disaster. As a result, you drive yourself into a corner with your own beliefs - into a hopeless situation. 🕸️2️⃣ Procrastination / shelving. When there is only one “ideal”, correct option, only one path to happiness, then you cannot make a mistake, you need to clearly calculate and plan everything so that everything is exactly as planned. But in fact, you understand perfectly well that there are no guarantees of success. Which means it’s better not to start this path. Like, not trying is better than failing. After failure, you still have to live through your unpleasant emotions, which seem unbearable. And few people make their global goal something simple and easily achievable. This means that there is an abyss between point A, where you are now, and the desired point B. And how, understanding this, should we even begin? 3️⃣ Bustle (caused by anxiety). You are in such a hurry to a bright future that you do not get happiness in the present. If your happiness directly depends on achieving some goal🎯, then you load yourself 100%, work 24/7, assign yourself several dozen tasks and, spurred on by anxiety and fear of not realizing what you want, rush towards the goal at full speed.🐎And this not only about career. With relationships 💞 it’s almost the same story. “I need to get married before I’m 30!” And away we go - from relationship to relationship, in each of which there is no pleasure from communication here and now, but there is control, endless checks of the partner for compliance, otherwise you will suddenly choose the wrong one and your whole plan for life will collapse because of one mistake.😫 Or , on the contrary, you cling with a death grip to the one who comes to hand, and close your eyes to everything, just to realize what you want. Infallibility and 100% guarantees are only in fairy tales, which means that failures and delays in the implementation of plans are not excluded. And if you don’t reconsider your irrational attitudes, then further 👇👇👇4️⃣ Burnout or even depression. This often happens after several unsuccessful attempts to achieve a very significant goal - to earn a lot of money, get the job you want, create a dream relationship, etc. The thought that if it didn’t work out, it means I’m somehow different and this will always be the case from now on, can become one of the causes of depressive disorder. And what to do ❓ Give up goals ❓ After all, a goal is what motivates?! Not certainly in that way. ☝️If your goal is something that needs to be obtained/achieved AT ANY COST, then what motivates you is not the goal itself, but your anxiety due to the presence of such an extremely significant task. It is anxiety and fear of not achieving the goal in this in case they drive forward.↗️ Such motivation.✅ Much better and healthier motivation is desire (not inflated to the point of demand). Yes, we can set a goal, but it will not be a “goal-need” (requirement), but