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From the author: Request from a client: “I have been married to my husband for 2 years now and everything is fine with us, we respect, help and appreciate each other. But the problem is that I no longer feel the same passion for him that I used to have. I want some new sensations, overflowing emotions, in a word - some kind of explosion, but here everything is already well known and familiar. The thought creeps into me that perhaps it’s just love that has passed, but I’m very afraid of losing my husband.” Judging by this situation, it is clear that this young woman is simply confused, because she expects the same “symptoms” from love as from passion and love. But do not forget that if you respect and appreciate your loved one, if he is really dear to you and, most importantly, if you do not want to lose him, then this is a list of signs of true love. Remember that you can only live on passion alone in the event that you constantly change your partners and “fall in love” every time anew. But in the end, this will not bring you either happiness or family comfort. After all, you won’t exchange your loved one and such a dear person for short-term romances, which will most likely end in separation and a feeling of complete devastation. But you must also understand that no matter how good a man you once imagined have not chosen and no matter how much they love him, eventually the passion may still fade a little and your efforts and desires will be required to restore it. Therefore, if you notice that passion is decreasing in your relationship, then first of all think about what exactly you can make your partner also feel your love, care and passion for him - give him what you need yourself and you will see how he will begin to give you even more of his attention and passion. Arrange for yourself more romantic dates and evenings alone somewhere - then in unusual and new places for you. Give each other a massage, remember what turned you on before or what you wanted to try for a long time and make all your desires come true together. This will not only help restore your passion, but will also bring you even closer. And then, once and for all, any thoughts that you can exchange your near and dear person for someone else will disappear, because true love is not thrown away and certainly not betrayed. Appreciate and take care of each other) If this article was useful and interesting for you, don’t forget to click “thank you” - it’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me) Sincerely, your psychologist, Victoria Kirsta