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From the author: The article was published in the electronic magazine “Women’s Workshop” It happens that one gloomy morning (or maybe a sad evening) the thought “I don’t like the way I live. Something needs to be changed.” Sometimes a thought flashed through (once again) and ran away, and sometimes it stuck deep. It happens that we frowned and worried, and began to go over in our heads all the cases and situations of our “worthless” life, even We talked about this with a friend, complained about life and said to ourselves: “We definitely need to change something!” We go buy new sneakers for ourselves (a good association with a new life is “I’ll take up running”) and set the alarm clock an hour earlier. And the next morning we turn off the alarm clock, explaining to everyone around us (and, of course, to ourselves) that today there is such wind (rain, snow, sun...) on the street, which does not allow for a morning jog at all. After all, you don’t have to start running in the morning to change your life! And you’re absolutely right. Running in the morning is not necessary. What is mandatory? What is the most important thing in changing your own life? Where to start this complex process? I’ll try to give several answers. First. We need to figure out whether it’s really worth changing your life? Maybe she suits us with all her features (which other people call shortcomings and horrors). Answer yourself honestly, do you like your life? Just try to find a quiet time and a calm mood for this. Second. Every new thing we acquire has its own price. It’s the same with change. Do we want to change our lives? You will have to pay for this. The main question is - are you ready to pay? This question has been scary since childhood, it is like a punishment that will inevitably punish us for all our actions. As if life will take away something dear, important, good from our lives. So, all our lives we think that if we want a successful business, we will definitely pay with family disappointments and problems, and if we want family warmth, then there is no question of any creative self-expression and making money. Because in childhood, no one told us told the main secret of price and payment. And the secret is simple - we ourselves set the price and the “currency” with which we pay. We may well pay for our new life by getting rid of fears or developing courage and independence in decision-making. Do you think this is much easier and more pleasant than family disappointments? Try to say to the whole world (and better yet to your parents and closest friends) “no, today I will not do what you suggest, but will do it my own way” (especially if For 20, 30, 40 years you only agreed with everyone and did not enter into conflict). And we can also pay such a price as “learn to be soft, obedient, easy.” A very good price for “masculine” women))) Honestly, I don’t know what’s easier. Paying doesn’t have to be the loss of something good. It is possible - the loss of the bad, the useless. Or purchasing something useful. The main thing is that the work will be worth your labor. And if the labor is not worth it, then it’s not a price at all. And the third thing I want to say. We need to make a decision. And, probably, this is not just the phrase “tomorrow I get up at 6 am and do exercises.” If you don’t do the work of the first and second points, then the phrase will remain a meaningless phrase. In order for it to turn into a solution, you need readiness. Willingness to stick to the chosen path every day, regardless of the mood of that day. If I decide to run every morning, I am ready to do it in bad weather, and in a bad mood, and with a feeling of laziness... I suspect that this will happen, and I’m really ready to carry out my decision no matter what. And then your life really begins to change!))) Good Changes to you, Olga Romulus was with you. If you want to get three free audio lessons about easy changes in women's lives, go here http://www.taperemena.ru/subscribes/1.html and receive gifts!