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From the author: Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Throughout human history, many outstanding thinkers have been interested in this issue. Subscribe to new publications by the author of the article to receive notifications about new publications and notes “Conquer yourself and win thousands of battles.” Gautama BuddhaHave you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Throughout human history, many outstanding thinkers have been interested in this issue. Aristotle believed that the main question was: “How should we live in order to be happy?” And whether we ask ourselves this question and how correctly we answer it depends on whether we will be happy. In my opinion, the path to success begins from the fact that we answer ourselves: “What is success?” If your career, work, business, family life, health, financial condition were ideal, what would they be? It is important to answer this question in detail, because without a clear goal, the path turns into wandering in the dark. Pareto principle There is the so-called Pareto principle: “20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts give only 20% of the result.” If apply this rule to success, then it turns out that only 20% of people earn 80% of the money and use 80% of the fruits of prosperity. Most people make almost no effort for their growth and development, they just go with the flow. These people are constantly at the bottom, these are the same 80% who receive only 20% of all benefits. A person graduates from a university, learns his profession, during the first year of work develops the necessary skills and stops developing and improving. Unlike this majority, successful people are constantly working to improve their level of development, gain new knowledge and experience, develop as individuals and strengthen their spirit. Is it possible to start from scratch? Almost all people start life the same way, having nothing at all. It’s just that some people manage to make their way to success, while others end up languishing at the very end. If you study the stories of successful and rich people of our time, you will notice that almost all of them achieved success in one generation. In other words, they all started from scratch. Thomas Stanley and William Danko spent many years communicating with successful people and millionaires, collecting material for their book “My Neighbor is a Millionaire.” Almost all of these people told them: “I did not have any advantages, an exclusive education or an outstanding mind, BUT I was willing to work harder than others.” The main secret of success Only those people achieve success who have overcome the natural tendency to cut corners and take easy paths. One of The fundamental laws of the universe are the law of cause and effect. According to this law, in order to achieve success you need to: find out how to achieve success in this area, form the necessary skills and improve them until you achieve results. Therefore, you can formulate a simple rule: “if, over and over again, you do what successful people do, then over time you will get the same the reward that they receive." You've probably heard the saying, "What goes around comes around." This means that what we have today is the result of our actions yesterday. If you want a different result, take different actions. If we do not take conscious, purposeful and, most importantly, consistent actions to ensure ourselves success, then obeying the craving for comfort and convenience, we begin to do easy, pleasant, unimportant things. They are what lead us to disappointment, problems and ultimately defeat. Remember the main secret of success is hard work. Pay the Bills One oil tycoon argued that to achieve success you need 3 things: understand what you want in life determine the price you have to pay decide to pay that price One of the most important conditions for success is the willingness to pay the necessary price. And pay in full and in advance. Unfortunately, most people are not willing to pay. Or they agree to pay part of the price, but not all. Success is not a restaurant where you pay when you already