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From the author: This article describes one of the options for using the “Join and Leave” method, which can be used by relatives in order to rid their family member of addiction to computer games. It is based on the idea of ​​including a gamer in another activity, in which he can satisfy the same needs as in the virtual reality of computer games. Having determined those needs that a relative who has become dependent on computer games satisfies through a computer game, you need to help him find for themselves other activities that will satisfy the same needs. Having found such types of activities, it will be necessary to gradually reduce the importance for the gamer of achievements in the game, strengthening in his mind the greater importance of achievements in those other types of activities. This sounds simple enough, but in reality this is perhaps the most difficult stage. It will require a lot of patience, endurance and, to a certain extent, constant control of the situation from family members. I will illustrate with a specific example how this can look in practice. So, a young woman came to me with a complaint about her husband, who spent all his free time while playing on the computer. They had been married for only 1.5 years at that time. There were no children. The husband was engaged in his own business - making custom-made furniture. Having a free work schedule, he played until late at night, then slept for a long time, went to the workshop in the afternoon, spent several hours there, returned home after 10 pm, ate and sat down to play until 3-4 am. And so on day after day, including weekends. He did almost nothing about household chores. The most he could do was wash the dishes after himself. The wife’s attempts to switch her husband to household duties did not produce results, since the man’s personal life schedule was subordinated to the time of distribution of bonuses in the game. It is worth noting that in this game there is a certain hierarchy among the players, which allows those who occupy a certain “position” to control the group of players a group of connected players. The client’s husband quickly became the “big boss” in his group, who resolved conflicts that arose between his group and other groups, had the opportunity to apply sanctions (impose restrictions) on members of his group, accept new players into the group and remove them from the group. Why so? Has this man been drawn into this game? Her husband worked for himself and had no subordinates. He himself was subordinate to his customers in a certain way, fulfilling their requirements. At the same time, the man had sufficiently developed needs to be a respected person, to have authority, to have power, to have career growth as an indicator of his success and level of achievement in life. Did his job give him the opportunity to satisfy these needs? Obviously not. But the game provided such opportunities. Moreover, you don’t need to make as much special effort to satisfy the above needs in the game as you would have to in real life. Virtual successes replaced his possible real successes. Therefore, the man, and along with him the forced wife, were drawn into this game. Their lives began to revolve around this game, their daily routine became dependent on the rules adopted in the game and the bonus distribution schedule. I would also note that the man’s success in his business became minimal for him. He took fewer and fewer orders. He brought into the family as much money as was minimally necessary for the family’s expenses. It became obvious that as long as the wife tolerates the family’s miserable existence, tries to earn more herself, and while the husband works in a free schedule, not obeying the daily routine, nothing will not change. At first, the woman tried to encourage her husband to earn more, take more orders, spend more time on the shop floor. She praised him for his good earnings, for faster than usual.