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What is love addiction? Many people, falling in love, become so attached to their partner that they begin to see the meaning of life in him. They seem to drown in the personality of another person, completely forgetting about themselves. Such forgetfulness leads to the fact that a person dissolves in the object of love and becomes dependent on him. We can say that he transfers control of his life to someone else. In this case, various destructive scenarios for the development of relationships may arise. Such a person can be used, humiliated, his wishes ignored, and deceived. As a result, this leads to vain sacrifice and lack of will. Of course, such relationships cannot bring happiness. It is difficult to get out of addiction. A person is required to have maximum awareness, determination to change his life for the better, and will. If you find yourself in such a situation, then it’s time to understand yourself and choose a new course of development for yourself. First of all, you need to realize that you are the center of your world. It is you who constantly make choices about what to feel, do, where to move, how to perceive the situation. Therefore, if you have chosen to live in constant fear of losing the object of your love, if you sacrifice yourself, your feelings and desires, suffer just to be near a person who treats you carelessly, acts selfishly, declares that he does not love you, deceives, cheats, uses physical and mental violence, then this is your personal choice and it is you who are responsible for it. And it is you who decide to be in this relationship or move on and create new ones. No one will make this choice for you, don't expect your partner to do it. Only you and no one else! Reasons for addiction. The reason for dependence on a partner is a person’s dislike for himself, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, fear of being left alone and being unnecessary. Self-dislike and uncertainty force a person to look for a partner from whom he will receive these resources, receive strength and support, which, in the person’s opinion, he does not have inside. As a result, the person becomes strongly attached to an external source of power, to his partner. This person is ready to endure any hardship in order to retain this source of the only “joy” in his life. A person turns into a victim of his own complexes and fears. A dependent person continues to idealize the source of love, stubbornly does not notice that his partner is using her, feels sorry for her, but does not love her, does not intend to be there all the time, does not plan to change and develop relationships. A person lives in the hope that the partner will change, that they will be together, you just need to wait, endure and show your devotion, care and love even more strongly. While the individual receives practically no satisfaction or joy from his partner. Moreover, the victim is ready to accept even hatred and aggression from the object of love; this is still better than indifference. Therefore, the victim can become obsessive, hysterical, demonstrative, sick, “unhappy” just to get at least some crumb of attention in any form. Ways out and gaining freedom from circumstances.1. Diagnose the situation. If the relationship does not suit you, you suffer from it, you get sick, your emotional and physical condition worsens, then it’s time to change something. If you understand that you have tried all the options, but the situation is not moving, that you do not get joy from the relationship and are not confident in it, and you see that the person does not make contact with you, openly declares that he is not particularly interested in you and he doesn’t see a further future with you, that he needs to sort himself out and his feelings, that he hasn’t worked up yet or can’t decide who to be with, which means, most likely, he’s burned out and is trying to leave with minimal losses or doesn’t want to change anything, his is satisfied with just this mode of communication.2. Decide what kind of relationship you want? If this relationship does not correspond to your idea of ​​harmony, if you do not feel it inside and the person does not give you what!