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A lot has already been written on the topic of choosing a psychologist. I will not repeat what you can find in other articles. I will say something that is usually not mentioned. Namely, about what will happen after you choose at least someone and go to the first session. If you are not in an acute crisis, when help is needed immediately, the first meeting takes place as an introduction. You talk about yourself, your questions and problems. The specialist listens to you, asks additional questions, and somehow describes his view of your situation. It is simply impossible to understand everything in the first meeting. Moreover, not only for you, but also for the psychologist. But this does not mean that based on its results you cannot get an idea of ​​how working with a particular person will suit you. You have probably met different people in your life, and the feelings after communicating with them were completely different. The same thing works with any specialist, including a psychologist. After the session, ask yourself: How do I feel now? In what state did I arrive and in what state do I leave the psychologist? This is the first, but very important assessment - a purely emotional one. This way you will be able to roughly understand how generally communication with this particular person is suitable for you. Moreover, what is important is not how joyfully elated the state has become, but rather whether it suits you. People rarely come to psychologists to share their joy, so after the meeting it is quite It’s normal to feel sadness, fatigue, and some other not-so-pleasant emotions. But their degree and impact on you in the future can only be assessed by you. Moreover, one of the main emotions that you want to experience after communicating with a psychologist is hope. “Yes, my problems have not yet been solved, but it seems that the specialist hears me, wants to help, and he has the tools to do this.” Check whether this feeling has appeared, even if it is not very strong. If you assess your state after the meeting rather positively, then try to evaluate specifically why it appeared: What exactly happened at the session that allows me to feel quite good now? And vice versa , if something didn’t suit you, the question will be: At what moments of the meeting did I not like something? What exactly was happening that was causing my discomfort? This will allow you to better understand what you want from psychological help in general and from this particular specialist in particular. If you decide to come to a second meeting, then some of your observations may be the subject of discussion with psychologist to make contact more stable, safe and productive. There are no ideal, suitable specialists for everyone. But if you feel that you are satisfied with something and not with something, this is always a reason to bring it up for consideration. Working with a psychologist is, first of all, building a therapeutic relationship. And any relationship is built from two sides. If you want a psychologist to suit you, tell him what you expect, what you like and don’t like about contact. Believe me, with each new client I build a new contact, different from the one I had with other people. Moreover, the therapeutic relationship develops and does not stand still. As we continue to work, we will learn things about each other that will change them. There is no need to be afraid of this. Quite the contrary: if you feel that you can be different in a psychologist’s office, show different sides of yourself, then the work is progressing. And my task is to notice this, take into account and direct these changes for your benefit. You can make an appointment with me through instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram) by phone 8 952 287 62 44, or via personal messages. Pay attention to our online planning course with my colleague