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Waking up at the same time with an alarm clock, Petrovich first asked himself: why? Glancing briefly at the reflection of the pot-bellied man in the mirror, he exhaled tragically: who is this? Listening to the morning chirping of his granddaughter at breakfast, he thought: I am already a grandfather, soon all my teeth and hair will fall out, and I will be blind and deaf, like a mother-in-law, I will begin to scatter my slippers on the floor, clinging to all the corners. And then, lo and behold, death is knocking on the door. And it's all? End? But most often Petrovich wondered: where is this long-awaited happiness? He humped, he humped... He built a house, planted a whole park of trees throughout his life, gave birth to a son, a car, a dacha, and where is the happiness?! In the evening, after work, at dinner, taking another drink, he revealed his mental torment to his deaf mother-in-law. Mother-in-law nodded her head. More precisely, she shook it in an senile manner, but Petrovich felt a kindred spirit in his mother-in-law... Today we are talking about the crisis of the “middle of life,” the essence of which is summing up the past and understanding one’s capabilities in the future. Youth is becoming a thing of the past, family and professional roles are turning into masks, financial well-being and high social status do not automatically give the expected feeling of happiness and satisfaction with life, and approaching old age is painted in grey, gloomy colors. The decrease in energy, physical strength and sexual activity is painfully perceived. As a result, anxiety and fear arise, disappointment, rejection and destruction of everything that has been achieved over the years occurs. The midlife crisis is experienced between 30-60 years of age, most often occurring at the age of 40-45 years. A person is either acutely aware of his inadequacy, or overestimates all his previous achievements. An active search for oneself, long lost and forgotten, begins, attempts to find a new place of residence, work and even family. Often, all this tossing and turning leads to severe disappointment and even despair. If the crisis remains unresolved for a long time, then deep melancholy, depression and even thoughts of suicide set in. But it is worth remembering that successfully overcoming a crisis often becomes the beginning of new life achievements, the acquisition of wisdom, leads to freedom from everyday routine, to the manifestation of true individuality and filling life with high content. What to do? After all, you really want to wake up in the morning in a good mood, anticipating the important and interesting events of the day, productively solve all the assigned tasks, calmly and philosophically accept what you couldn’t solve, rejoice and enjoy, be friends with the reflection in the mirror and with your mother-in-law too! Do you want to? Do you really want it? This means that a thousand opportunities will be found to achieve the desired happiness! Shall we begin? We differentiate between means and ends; include a sense of humor; we accept ourselves, others and nature; we learn to tolerate the weaknesses of others and not be afraid of their strength; allow ourselves privacy; We strive for simplicity, spontaneity, naturalness; focusing on our calling or duty; Having stopped blaming everyone and everything, we acquire autonomy and independence, rely on our own potential, gain freshness of perception... If you don’t succeed on your own, then a professional psychologist or psychotherapist will help you develop this whole complex of mental properties. And, one day, long-awaited early in the morning... But here it’s worth imagining on your own, painting your happy life in all colors, imagining what it will taste and smell, hear and feel! The crisis will pass. It’s worth trying for this! Psychological support in the person of Irina Belyakova. http://vk.com/id181707558