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From the author: “By his very nature, a person, the older he gets, the more he resists change, especially change for the better.” John SteinbeckAccording to Dahl's dictionary, CHARLATAN is a deceiver, braggart and cheat; who fools people, throws dust in the eyes, deflects, fogs, fools and robs with various techniques. I suspect that it is not easy for potential clients to make their choice in favor of this or that specialist - a psychologist, when there are so many offers, and there is simply no or little client experience .And a careful choice is necessary simply for the reason that the client will have to entrust the specialist not with something, but with his Soul. As you know, the Soul is vulnerable, and wounds, if left untreated, leave a mark until the end of life. That is why, before opening up and trusting, you need to carefully and scrupulously weed out all those who, for some reason, are not suitable for the role of healer of the Soul. There are some distinctive signs of charlatans who claim to be a psychologist or psychotherapist. Such people may or may not have a psychological education; Often on their websites there is information about some dubious education such as “Master of Initiation” or “mega-super magician”, etc. Those. such an education that has nothing to do with psychology; - This category is sharply distinguished from specialist psychologists who are ready to actually help clients by their motivation: charlatans pursue the goal of TAKE MONEY FROM YOU at any cost. This is indicated by such signs as “flashy” website pages: many promises with exclamation marks, aggressive colors of sales pages. And the main emphasis is on cost, price, etc. - In general, they are not interested in helping; after you pay the money, their interest in you disappears, because they have achieved their goal; - They are not interested in personal and professional development as specialists, because their motivation is different. So how not to run into a charlatan, but choose exactly the right one , who is ready and able to provide psychological help? I’ll tell you what I would pay attention to if I were looking for a psychologist for myself. The most important thing (in my opinion) that you need to focus on in your choice is WHAT KIND OF PERSON IS HE GENERALLY? WHAT IS THIS PERSONALITY? Look at his life values, priorities, human qualities: goodwill, empathy, sensitivity, sensitivity, attentiveness. Nowadays, with the help of the Internet, it is not so difficult to create a portrait of a specialist if he has his own website or blog. The only and most important tool that a psychologist has is himself, his personality. The process of problem solving, internal growth and maturation - the so-called psychotherapy, goes through relationships, because the specialist to whom you will trust your secrets passes them through the prism of his values, knowledge and experience. Does this specialist comply with the ethical code of a psychologist? information about him is “flashy and aggressive advertising” - you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to this. The personal maturity of a specialist psychologist is also expressed in the fact that his leading motivation is the desire to professionally help the client; payment is a secondary motive. It does not mean at all that a good specialist is ready to work for free, not at all, sometimes even the opposite - he values ​​himself very highly, but even in this case, money is not a measure of his motivation. He just doesn't focus on cost. As one specialist I respect said: “I work selflessly, but not for free.” The second, which is also important, is a quality education. Having a psychological education (in particular, academic) does not in itself make a psychologist a psychologist - a consultant or trainer. I realized this when I entered my first year at the University. Passive listening and taking notes of lectures, sometimes seminars and practical classes - such, by and large, theoretical education is far from sufficient. Is our client interested in knowing how the nervous system works or