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This is not even a question, but, to put it mildly, a hoax... Because for a woman not to depend on her loved one is “mission impossible.” However, while remaining in love and a harmonious relationship with a man, a woman sometimes wants to go wherever she wants, or she dreams of taking a break from household chores and even from home communication, she wants to do her favorite creativity, spend as much time as she wants in the sauna with her friends, etc. Is this possible or is it really a hoax? The fact is that “investing in yourself,” creating a world of your own joys, is not only possible, but also extremely useful for a woman! Moreover, it is useful not only for her, but also for her man, and even for the whole family as a whole. If a woman does not “add” the energies of joy into her magical vessel of true femininity, she will have nothing to “drink” her loved ones – the man, children, older family members! After all, these same family members wouldn’t want the sought-after “nourishing” energies to be taken by the woman from themselves? To avoid mutual dependence and vampirism in relationships, a woman, being the main source of family joys, must organize for herself a sufficient regular supply of happiness! Dancing, yoga, various seminars, communication with friends, fitness, spas and many other “paradise valleys” should be on the list of women's daily chores as mandatory items. After all, this is the “milk river - jelly banks” from which the whole family draws its happiness! Where can one find the time to “invest in oneself”? Where can a modern woman find courage and confidence in her right to legitimate feminine joy every day? Such confidence and courage can be given by internal support in the form of... a male core of personality! “How so? - you will be indignant. – Modern women are already “men in skirts”! Where else can we add “male core” to them?” Yes, most modern women behave like men. They are competitive, critical and sarcastic, that is, aggressive: openly or passively. Just for the sake of fairness, let’s clarify: all these are forced protective measures! Women are aggressive because the natural male “half” of the female personality, hidden from her everyday consciousness, carefreely “sleeps on the stove”, like Emelya from a fairy tale. And we have to defend ourselves with aggressive feminine forces, which are pseudo-masculine in nature! That is, women, unconsciously defending themselves, unwittingly copy male warlike behavior, without having genuine masculine strength! That is why a rather aggressive modern woman is at the same time very vulnerable, childishly touchy and psychologically defenseless! But if you awaken the Inner Emelya in the depths of the personality and help him go the way to reign in the inner space of the personality, this will create a real Inner Defender who will become a reliable support, desired for every woman. It is the male protective personal core that gives a woman confidence, reliably maintains personal boundaries, protects her interests, does not allow her to overwork and make unnecessary sacrifices to the family! Towards an internally protected woman, the man and household members, as if by magic, begin to behave respectfully and strive to take care of the “keeper of the hearth”! Loved ones, feeling the inner protective background of male nature, feel the need to take care of a woman if she is reliably protected from the inside! The explanation is simple - the world is mirrored and reflects our inner nature outward. To strengthen the male defense of the individual, a woman can do a simple initiation exercise, repeating it for several days in a row once a day for 5-10 minutes. Divide the room in half with any visible boundary made of small objects (pencils, ribbons, etc. are suitable). Mentally give one half of the room the meaning “Emelya on the stove”, and the other half the meaning “Emelya - the king, the husband of the Princess.” Then you can explore your sensations on the half of “Emelya on the stove”, moving several times from there to the other - the royal male half. In any of these spaces, it is helpful to notice your bodily/emotional sensations and!