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From the author: Life coach. I help women get out of difficult life situations. Today I called a friend. She had a day off from a series of gray working days as a manager in a furniture store. And on this day off, like Cinderella, she needs to sort out the beans, plant the roses, and grind the coffee, well, you know... She knows that I am a coach and is already building a defense against possible questions in advance. To almost any ordinary question she has the answer: “Are you kidding me?))”... I’m not kidding, I sincerely want to help, but I can’t do it without her consent, it’s impossible - this is a taboo for a coach. Why does your friend have such a reaction? I understand that I myself was once in similar situations - fear, panicky fear of change! So that it doesn't get any worse than it is. And you also have to work, on yourself, I mean. There are no pills to improve your life, just like magic wands. Tapped a stick or swallowed a pill and wow! - a pumpkin for a carriage, a rat for a coachman, mice for horses and, as a bonus, glass slippers... These are fairy tales. There are pills for a bad life, but people die from them) (forgive the dark humor). My friend’s story is similar to a thousand other stories - marriage, divorce and now two adult daughters who need to be raised and married off. There is practically no help from the father of the daughters. Thank God my mother is alive and helps with food from the household. On top of that, a rented apartment and two cats, which require certain expenses, and a friend’s salary is even inconvenient to voice. And this is with a 12-hour working day and two floating weekends, during which a bunch of household chores need to be done. There is no time left for normal rest, which a woman 50+ needs. And okay, if my friend were “dense”, then she’s not - and she reads the right books, courses, trainings and a lot of knowledge that could be monetized, i.e. turn a hobby into a profession and income. But things are still there. This “swamp” of minimal stability, bad, but at least it sucks in not only women. But women also have hyper-responsibility for children, which aggravates the situation and there comes a moment when there is no longer any strength, but our women are like a galloping horse, and into a burning hut, as they say... One of my acquaintances, even at the dawn of my life entrepreneurial activity, with the snobbery characteristic of men, he said: “For a woman to succeed in this world, there are two options, either to get married successfully, or to make a career.” What can I say - he turned out to be right)... But, unfortunately, most women are somewhere in the middle - the marriage is so-so, the career, like the husband - no cupcake, no sex)... Probably we should get there already to the very “bottom”, in order to push off from it and break out to the top, in order to comprehend your life, analyze the situation and outline a plan for getting out of the situation that has created you. Again, unfortunately, many people prefer to live according to the principle “we didn’t live richly...”, “the guy is inferior, but there is...”, “it’s too late to start,” etc. and similar limiting beliefs. How to start this tired “mechanism” called me and the horse, me and the bull, me and the woman and the man? Decide for yourself. Pull this strap further, or say a decisive NO to your old life. I will allow myself a little more black humor - there is no way out only from under the lid of the coffin. So think about it, my dear friends - the choice is yours. Read even more publications on various everyday topics on my author’s channel https://zen.yandex.ru/coach