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How to stop overeating and overcome the craving for gluttony. When deciding to start the weight loss process, the first thing that comes to mind is to stop eating. But practice shows that even with very developed willpower, there remains a craving to eat a “forbidden” product, and food breakdowns lead to increased feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Even if you have firmly decided to give up any foods, reduce the amount of food consumed or practice fasting , the attraction to the previous diet remains. This attraction can manifest itself in the form of obsessive thoughts, emotions or physical sensations that provoke you to eat something tasty. These conditions can increase stress, cause discomfort and anxiety, which almost always leads to binges. Like any psychophysical condition, these attacks have their own development path. There is a certain trigger that leads to a peak of desire, after which this craving begins to weaken. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of an uncontrollable peak of the desire to overeat, you need to bring the trigger mechanism to a more conscious level, where it can be further overcome and avoided. Recognize – Realize – Avoid – Overcome. Thanks to awareness of the causes of loss of control, you will be able to plan your actions for situations when avoidance is impossible, which means you will be able to overcome the main causes of food abuse and regain lost harmony. Trigger - a stimulus that triggered any action, reaction or event.1. Recognize and be aware of the trigger: External - environment or situations that provoke you to eat, even if you do not feel hungry. These could be people, meal times, places, or situations. The most striking example is having lunch tea at work with colleagues, which is already an office tradition, skipping which immediately attracts unwanted attention to you. External triggers are obvious, they are easy to avoid or plan your actions in advance in these situations. Internal – a thought, emotion or feeling. Very often they appear out of nowhere, discourage and manifest themselves as an obsession that encourages overeating. But if you pause at this moment and realize what exactly led to this state, you will be able to understand the true problem that needs to be worked on now. This could be an emotion (anxiety, sadness, joy), a desire (to reward yourself or loved ones), a memory (how delicious it once was) or a physical condition (pain, discomfort, fatigue). In order to bring these reasons to a conscious level , start observing your desires over the course of a few days or weeks. You need to learn to understand yourself. Record the state of strong desire for “extra” food intake, realize what is the trigger in this situation and understand how you can regain control over what is happening.2. Avoid Triggers: This is the simplest strategy where avoidance = prevention. Do not buy or store products at home that lead to breakdowns. Consider options for healthier, low-calorie “unplanned” meals, which can be in the form of a small “stash.” For example, choose an acceptable option for drinking tea together at work or plan time taking into account including it in your diet as a snack with a sufficient time interval between main meals. The most important thing is that these options are accessible and convenient for you, and also bring pleasure. There is no need to exhaust yourself by suffering over overcooked zucchini; find more appetizing and enjoyable options for yourself. Plan your diet taking into account unforeseen factors. Plan your regimen, giving preference to active forms of activity and events where you don’t just need to sit and eat.3. Overcome triggers: There are difficult conditions and emotions that cannot be avoided. It is necessary to work with them, bringing the original source of the problem to a conscious level of understanding. As a rule, the most complex conditions that cause cravings for].