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How do we lose energy? Every day we encounter people who “steal” our vital energy. Why does this happen and how to protect yourself from it? An article with useful information and simple tips from bioenergy therapist Lyudmila Mavrina. YOU ARE ME, I AM YOU It’s no longer a secret that a person is not only a physical body, but also an energy field. People exchange energy every second, even when they are sleeping or silent. We feel the interaction of our energy field with someone else’s subconsciously and react by changing our mood or physical state. If there is a person next to us with whom it is easy and pleasant, it means that your energy exchange is excellent, you “feed” each other, and both benefit from this. But if when communicating with someone you feel irritation, a sharp loss of strength, anxiety or even sudden pain, it means that there is an energy eater next to you. Bioenergy is necessary for everyone, like blood and lymph . Sometimes it is sorely lacking. There may be several reasons for such a shortage. These are: illness, old age, severe fatigue. However, nothing exhausts people more than negative emotions: irritation, anger, greed, anger, guilt, jealousy. It is they who create “holes” in our energy field, and it is through them that strength “leaks out.” And having lost a lot of their energy, people inevitably begin to look for how to replenish it. VOLUNTARY HELP FOR A VAMPIRE Notice how exhausting a simple morning bus ride can be. . Dozens of equally aggressive and tortured citizens, standing next to you, are just waiting for someone to take out their irritation on and from whom to “intercept” the missing energy. The more susceptible you are to the general mood, the more you risk being “eaten up” by your fellow sufferers. In calm, joyful people, the biofield is balanced and resembles a golden egg - it is difficult to break through such a “shell”. But this is precisely where the hungry “vampire” sees his task, so he will try to unbalance the potential victim. The recipe is simple: they will try to make you angry. In a fit of anger, you yourself will throw out your emotions and with them most of your energy. You can also get the desired “treat” through fear: fear forms “holes” in a person’s aura. Penetrating through them, the energy glutton begins its feast. Often we lie down on the sacrificial altar voluntarily! “I have no one to turn to except you,” “I’m so unhappy,” - which of us, seeing the tears of our friends, did not rush to offer consolations? And now you have opened up, and your energy leaves you, like from a punctured gas cylinder. After working as a “vest” you always feel terribly tired and indifferent to everything. However, you can find an unwitting vampire in even closer surroundings. If you fall for accusations that you are a bad mother or an unworthy daughter, then you lose the strength to self-flagellate. This opens the way for a vampire relative. No one close to you sets the goal of taking away more energy from you and harming you. This happens on a subconscious level. The positive aspect of living together is that the family automatically “feeds” us energy when necessary. SOMETHING IS WRONG No matter how harmonious the energy balance of a married couple may be, no one is immune from unexpected disruptions. Anxious wives feel that something is wrong with their husband, but they cannot understand what it is. In most cases, seeing that a man has begun to invest less personal energy in the relationship, the wife “makes a diagnosis”: he has fallen out of love. Do not rush to sound the alarm and make claims. Think about what these changes might be connected with: maybe the husband has become tired at work or gets sick, the reason could be a crisis situation at work, or problems with relatives. Often a man just needs rest, psychological comfort or solitude. So help him. But a scandal is the most reliable way to pump more vital energy out of a person. The emptiness you subsequently feel is not caused by the exchange of hurtful words, but by the lossa significant amount of energy that went into fueling the screaming. And if you are the regular instigator of scandals, then we can safely say that you “feed” at the expense of your husband, son, father, etc. In many families, scandals become a frequent occurrence due to the fact that spouses do not know any other way to exchange energy. Meanwhile, it is in a simple conversation, in making love, in walking together... FLOWERS OF LIFE Children under 3-4 years old can be identified as a special risk group: they have weak energy protection, therefore they are highly dependent on the mood of their parents. True, they restore their energy balance faster than adults. Children and teenagers are not recommended to spend a lot of time with older people, since, with rare exceptions, in old age everyone experiences a great lack of energy and automatically pulls it from where it is easiest to get. And if a child begins to be unreasonably capricious, weakens and turns pale, the reason may be a vampire nearby. SEX HEALS! In order not to turn out to be either a robber or a victim, you need to monitor your energy potential: replenish it regularly, control emotions and stress, take care about ensuring that you constantly have at least small positive impressions. And you can maintain the correct energy balance in several ways. For example, through relaxation, yoga, meditation. Prayer and other techniques of self-absorption or turning to higher powers are very powerful tools. Let us remember that sex is one of the most ancient ways of exchanging energy: the merging of yin and yang creates a completely special being - self-sufficient and happy, who is not looking for anything, does not strive for anything and is in bliss. Paradoxical as it may seem, they can also charge you with energy. physical activity (running, exercise equipment, swimming, etc.). The main thing is not to overdo it. If possible, walk barefoot on the grass, contemplate fire or flowing water, and do not deny yourself trips to nature. Communication with trees and flowers restores your mental balance. FOOTBALL, BATH, BEER... An old, proven way to make up for a constant lack of energy is to get an animal or decorate your house with flowers. Any plants (with the exception of vines, orchids and many “swamp” species), pets not only delight the eye, but also heal the soul. The energy invested in communicating with friends will not be wasted. Fields of like-minded people work in the same rhythm, calming and complementing each other. This means that you need get-togethers with your friends for your health, just as your husband needs football, a bathhouse and beer. Don’t forget about cute little hobbies and your own corner in the house, where everything is saturated only with your energy and there are no extraneous influences: even this a tiny saving paradise fits only in a chair. KOLOBOK, KOLOBOK, AND I WILL EAT YOU! But what to do when you have already become the target of an attack and a hungry “vampire” is clicking its teeth at your nose? First of all, try to put a barrier between you. A chair, a tree, a fence or a dog on a leash will inevitably cool the “glutton’s” ardor. In case of failure, increase the distance separating you. If you were unable to meet the danger while standing, and the adversary took the next chair or sat down at your table, cross your arms in front of your chest, intertwine your legs or show this person the muzzle (so as not to inflame passions - behind your back or in your pocket ). Old grandmother's methods work flawlessly. If there is no way to stop the energy leak immediately (for example, it is caused by a parent's illness or a child's growth difficulties), make this process conscious. Mentally send your loved ones not irritation, but love. Think about your mother or angry husband, mentally repeating “I love you and wish only the best.” Oddly enough, the grumbling will immediately stop, the anger will subside. And you, by sharing your love, will not lose anything: the one who gives love receives it strengthened many times over. By the way, Bioenergetics claims that our shortcomings are rings and loops through which the vampire, throwing his tentacles, pulls our energy. A