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Coaching is aimed at achieving a specific goal. The direction of coaching, in recent years, has become very popular in Russia. And only the lazy don’t call themselves a coach. Let's look at what coaching is, and what it is not, and why. The first and most important feature that distinguishes coaching from just chatter: “Coaching is aimed at achieving a specific goal.” At the very beginning, the client comes with a specific goal and all the efforts of the coach are aimed precisely at achieving it. If the goal is not even stated, then something immediately went wrong. It can be called whatever you want, but this is not coaching. As part of the work, of course, some side issues may appear - this is normal. And working with them happens in the same way in the context of the set goal. How does the emerging topic affect our goal? This is how the work is built; all other stressful moments are a matter of a consultation session. Another important rule of coaching is: “A coach does not give advice.” The coach makes sure that the person understands what needs to be done to achieve his goal. This is the whole point of coaching, not to do or invent for a person, but to help him solve his problem himself. That is why sometimes after good coaching, the client leaves with the feeling that he understood everything himself and there was no need to come to the coach. This is already a masterful job, and at the same time it also inspires and ignites a person. A coach, within the framework of his work, can only guide and support. It’s like a caring parent - to ensure complete safety, give careful advice, and then set everything up in such a way that “On your own, on your own, on your own.” So, we found out that in coaching the very first stage is the goal. Yes, the goal within the session may change and be slightly adjusted. More profound issues may emerge, for example, not to earn a million, but to have confidence in the future. Everything here is very individual and the work always comes from the person. The only thing is that the target cannot be attracted every session. If a person comes every time with a new request, it is important to stop, discuss once again what the goal will be and not deviate from it further) The main concept of coaching: “Be - do - have.” And only in this sequence. Naturally, the client comes with a request to have. What exactly to have is not so important - a car, a girl, a job, friends, everything is purely individual. And here a competent coach must convey this concept: “Be - do - have.” If you want to have this or that, what actions should you take? And to do this comfortably and naturally requires the necessary internal changes. What kind of person do you need to be in order to carry out such actions comfortably? Having understood what you need to be like, what to do in order to have what the client wants - everything else is quite simple. Just kidding) We need to help the client become the person for whom these actions are completely natural. What should you be wary of when choosing a coach? First of all, of course, non-professional coaches. This is akin to a person whose appendicitis was removed and he went to teach how to remove appendicitis. He experienced it once, which means he can and knows everything. At best, you will simply waste your money; at worst, you may also cause psychological trauma. Teaching something is absolutely not the same as doing it yourself. Look not at personal example, but at the education or achievements of students. The second thing that is often mistaken for coaching is expert consulting. Such a person will tell you what needs to be done to achieve the goal. It would seem that everything is fine, but there is no work with the person’s personality. With his being. Without a coach, a person will not be able to get the same result. Here there are several dangers lurking at once: superficial results, short-termism, coach dependence, personal problems. Such work takes place when a goal is achieved, but the client himself most likely will not be able to repeat the result. And here it is important to understand for yourself whether to bring the result or to help you change so that you yourself achieve it? If it is important to get a one-time effect, you can generally use this. And the third thing that.