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From the author: A gift is one of the manifestations of love. Our children grow up and with age it becomes more and more difficult to choose a gift for them, no matter for their birthday or New Year, for the end of music school or victory at the school Olympiad. Sometimes the question of what to give as a gift becomes simply an insoluble problem. We ask each other about this, the teenager’s friends and his relatives, we also turn to him, but the question remains. It can be really difficult to please, interests, fashion and the opinions of peers change too quickly. Simple solutions The simplest solution is to allow the teenager to choose a gift on his own, having agreed in advance on the amount he needs to meet. For example, buy a certificate. The choice of a gift will emphasize his adulthood and make him approach the purchase more responsibly. If you want to buy something practical, such as shoes or clothes, then be sure to buy something original with these things that will surprise and delight the teenager. For sneakers - a ball with the autograph of your favorite player; you can put the logo of your favorite team on a jacket or T-shirt, etc. Actual gifts Modern children love to play computer games. You can choose a game with useful content that develops intelligence, quick wits, attentiveness, perseverance and other useful qualities. Tablets and players, stylish flash drives, original wireless headphones are very popular. 3D construction sets, puzzles, paintings by numbers. various Quests. Call. Adventure. Overcoming obstacles. Extreme and drive. Such gifts can be given to both boys and girls. Girls will be happy with various jewelry, sets of cosmetics, aromatic soap, and a gift certificate to a spa. A pleasant gift would be a photo session with a famous photographer, after which self-esteem will noticeably increase and wonderful photographs will remain as a keepsake. Universal gifts A universal gift will be tickets to the theater or to the concert of the band you have dreamed of. Provided that you donate 2 tickets. After all, you can invite a friend or girlfriend. The joy of the gift will double. Many children love outdoor activities. In this case, you can offer an interesting hiking trip, a trip to a cool water park or a climbing wall as a gift. A good choice can be considered various sports equipment - bicycles, exercise machines, rollers, skates, dance mats. If we consider that our children have begun to move little, then such gifts will not only contribute to the development of the body, flexibility, orientation in space, and maintaining balance, but will also teach plasticity, beautiful and smooth movements, and improve posture and gait. When choosing a gift for a teenager, we take into account their desires, interests, and also consider usefulness and relevance. Therefore, the choice is not simple, but quite solvable. From the many options you can always choose an original gift, pleasant and desirable for a teenager. The article was copied from my personal website https://sem-psiholog.ru/kak-bystro-vybrat-podarok-dlya-podrostka