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The problem of stress has been one of the most interesting problems for more than a decade now. This problem was successfully developed by such famous foreign and domestic scientists as E. Bern, A. N. Zankovsky, R. Lazarus, N. D. Lakosina, L. A. Kitaev-Smyk, B. M. Kogan, A. Maslow, G. Selye, S. B. Semitov, V. Ya. Semke, K. V. Sudakov, S.L. Rubinstein and many others. Stress is the body’s response to any demand that is addressed to it [12]. G. Selye said that stressors are different, but the reaction triggered by them is the same. We are talking about a biological reaction, and it consists in strengthening the adaptive abilities of the body [14, p. 21 – 25]. The following definition of stress resistance is found in the scientific literature, which is, in our opinion, dubious. Personal stress resistance is the ability to overcome difficulties, suppress one’s emotions, showing restraint and tact. Stress resistance is determined by a set of personal qualities that allow a person to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional stress due to the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, others and one’s health [9, p. 82 – 86; 2; 8]. It seems quite controversial to include the ability to suppress emotions in the definition of a person’s stress resistance, while considering that there will be no harmful consequences for health. Suppressed emotions do not disappear, they remain. And emotions are quite strong energy. By suppressing his energy, a person goes against the laws of nature. The subject of physics taught us, among other things, the law of conservation of energy: energy cannot arise from nothing and cannot disappear into nowhere, it can only transform from one form to another. In fact, this is what happens: a person does not allow this energy, often negative, to take on another form and leave, but instead he keeps it within himself. Maybe we should not be talking about suppressing emotions, but about correct, environmentally friendly expression of them. And if you suppress emotions, your health will be harmed. The most successful definition of stress resistance (emotional stability) proposed by P.B. Zilberman. Its essence is as follows. Emotional stability is an integrative personal property that is characterized by the interaction of emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational components of a person’s mental activity. These interactions ensure goal achievement in difficult emotional situations [6, p. 152]. Despite the fact that there is a large amount of work on the problem of stress, there are relatively few studies on stress resistance. Let us note the works devoted to stress resistance in various fields of science over the past 20 years. In biology, the physiological assessment of resistance to stress in certain types of mental work has been studied [7]. In medicine, at the level of dissertation research, the role of individual resistance to stress in the process of disease progression, for example, in the mechanisms of progression of primary open-angle glaucoma [5]. In psychology, multidimensional assessment of individual resistance to stress has been studied [3]. Psychological resistance to external and internal sources of stress has been comprehensively studied using the example of employees of the penitentiary system [10]. Psychological resources of an individual’s resistance to stress in organizations of different spheres and types of activity are also considered at the level of dissertation work [4]. Of interest is the work that examines stress resistance as a factor in the development of a positive attitude towards learning activities among students [1]. American economist D. Foster believes that due to an increase in the number of stressful situations, the quality of life decreases. From the definition of quality of life,proposed by D. Markovich, a similar point of view is also visible [11, p. 110]. Psychological stress remains, as decades ago, one of the main “diseases of the century,” posing a serious threat to the ability to work and quality of life of the population of developed countries (Kitaev-Smyk, 1983; Sudakov, 1998; Quick et al., 1997; Schabracq et al. , 1996) [3, p. 3]. And it's hard to argue with that. But, nevertheless, it would be interesting, in our opinion, to study the quality of life as an indicator of resistance to stress. Moreover, we have not identified scientific research on this topic. Conducting such research is seen in the direction of health psychology. As rightly noted by T.V. Chapala, modern scientific knowledge of psychology is actively developing, expanding the scope of application [15, p. 35], there is great interest in a new direction in psychology – health psychology [16, p. 248]. To summarize what has been said, we note the following. It seems quite controversial to include the ability to suppress emotions in the definition of a person’s stress resistance, while considering that there will be no harmful consequences for health. Maybe we should not be talking about suppressing emotions, but about their correct, environmentally friendly expression. And if you suppress emotions, your health will be harmed. Based on a study of scientific works devoted to resistance to stress in various fields of science over the past 20 years, we came to the conclusion that it would be interesting to consider resistance to stress in terms of quality of life. There are scientific works that examine the negative impact of stress on quality of life, but quality of life as an indicator of resistance to stress has not been studied. It seems useful to fill this gap. References:1. Andreeva A.A. Stress resistance as a factor in the development of a positive attitude towards learning activities among students: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. psycho. Sci. – Tambov, 2009. – 26 p.2. Vasilyuk F.E. Psychology of experience (analysis of overcoming critical situations): Monograph. – M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1984. – 200 p. 3. Velichkovsky B.B. Multidimensional assessment of individual resistance to stress: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. psycho. Sci. Moscow: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007. – 28 p.4. Volvich Yu.K. Psychological resources of personality resistance to stress in organizations of different spheres and types of activity: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. psycho. Sci. – Krasnodar, 2018. – 25 p.5. 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