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One of the most important stages of psychotherapy is choosing a specialist. Often, due to the fact that a person has many stereotypes and even fears about psychology in general (we are not yet touching on stigmatized psychiatry), he cannot decide to seek treatment even in the case of the strongest need. If you are also afraid to start working with a psychologist, then I want to reassure you, the psyche has so many defenses that it can cope even with serious injuries, so it will definitely be able to withstand confidential communication with another person, even with the education of a psychologist, and if you still feel danger, then simply do not sign up for the next session. The very choice of a psychologist can be very therapeutic. While you are searching on the Internet, asking for recommendations, peering into methods and specialists - you begin to hear yourself - “what do I want? what I do not like? How will I know what’s right for me?” And so, let's move on to the main part. HOW TO FIND YOUR SPECIALIST: A person needs a person. And first of all, you should feel comfortable being around this person. A psychologist should not be repulsive in appearance, with the speed of speech and timbre of his voice, or with his views on life. The method in which the specialist works. When you already have several candidates, you can read about the modality in which they work and choose the one that is closest in spirit. Or take an online test to determine the most suitable type of psychotherapy. Education. This is not the main point, but mandatory! Personal therapy. If the specialist has not been in the client’s chair, then the likelihood that the psychologist will “do therapy” about the client is too high. But I wouldn’t pay attention to experience. There are studies according to which effectiveness does not depend on experience, and sometimes even on the contrary, the view can become blurred, and interest in processes that have long been understood can decline. You can ask a specialist directly about all points or find out on social networks or on sites such as b.17 or profi.ru (by the way, on such resources registration as a psychologist without a state diploma is impossible). And the main thing is to try. There may be many attempts, or maybe you will be lucky and find your person the first time. I wish you good luck and productive work with your future psychologist. Share how you chose and how quickly you found your specialist? 😉