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I nervously tapped my fingers on the table. Then she stopped and looked back. It was quite cozy around. Mahogany chairs and tables covered with a snow-white tablecloth, floor-to-ceiling windows. The music simply put me in a lyrical mood, and the waiters, with chiseled grace, smilingly took the orders of visitors. As luck would have it, no one came to me for 10 whole minutes! I was ready to boil like a kettle, be indignant, call the administrator or write my complaint in the complaint book. I've had enough! And I was tired... I reminded myself of a driven horse, which does not have the strength to move forward, and its hooves are spreading to the sides. I haven't slept for three nights now! Everything is as agreed! The first night, I was bitten by mosquitoes. And without an open balcony it’s hard to sleep. It's hot outside, but stuffy at home. I bought the Raptor only the next morning. On the second night, my daughter’s dog whined. No, of course I understand everything. My daughter went to the sea, decided to save money on the nursery and gave this furry watchdog to me for a while. But what should I do with someone who howls, grunts, puffs and doesn’t let me sleep? On the third night, my neighbors finished me off. They decided to sing karaoke and celebrate another anniversary. Here I couldn’t stand it: I took a mop and started banging on the radiator. A couple of other neighbors joined me. After a few minutes there was silence. My body went limp, but sleep never came. At work I walked around like a zombie. I dreamed of only one thing: to sleep in a quiet and peaceful place, preferably on a desert island. I immediately remember a joke: - What will you do in retirement? - I'll sit in the rocking chair. - And then what will you do? - I'll sit. - Well, in 2 months, what will you do? - Rock... This joke is just about me. - Dear lady, what do you want? – the waiter’s voice interrupted my train of thought. “First, I would study the menu,” I answered sarcastically. “Ooh, the menu.” Take it,” the waiter held out a book with a leather cover. Having opened the menu, I was extremely surprised. Two pages are covered with strange words, such as love, acceptance, beauty, freedom, abundance... - Is this what you call your dishes? – I asked. “Yes.” You can choose exactly the dish that your soul misses most. - “Patience”! - I made the order. - Are you sure? - Yes. And what? – this gray-haired man in an apron was already starting to irritate me. - But still, maybe you will take... - “Patience”! – I cut the waiter off mid-sentence. “Well, okay.” Patience, so patience,” my waiter threw up his hands. I was waiting for 20 minutes. I remembered falling asleep at the computer at work, the terrible stress I felt during the reporting period, and... I remember the cheerful eyes of the deputy director. It was she who put a business card on my table with the address of this restaurant. “Go, you will feel better... I checked it myself more than once,” she said carefully. I would never have decided to go! I consider it bad form to go to a restaurant alone. But now I myself was not in the best condition. - Your dish “Patience”! Bon appetit! – with these words, the waiter put on the table a plate of boiling white-yellow slime, which aroused contempt more than a desire to try the dish. “Wait,” I shouted. “I’ll try... But if I don’t like it, then I can return the dish?” “You try it first,” the waiter answered me. I made several awkward turns with the spoon and fork, the cloudy contents were smeared on the plate and I, squeezing my eyes, took a chance try. Absolutely neutral taste. But in appearance... I wouldn’t wish it on my enemy... - Why is “Patience” so disgusting? – I asked. “Good question.” More often than not, we endure things in our lives that we cannot handle. Watch... When you endure, your teeth are clenched, your body resembles a tin ball of tension, and the mantra is spinning in your head: “I wish all this would end soon...” the waiter reasoned. “Yes, exactly that.” How do you know? - Your body gives out... - Yes? – I was confused. - Okay, how can you do it differently? - When something doesn’t suit you, what is your first reaction? - Irritation... - What does irritation teach you? - I don’t know. Just these situations.