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Did you know that there are people who do not feel when they have high blood pressure? And that this is very dangerous? High blood pressure in itself is not good, but if a person feels it, he can take a pill, lie down, or do something else to normalize his blood pressure. If a person does NOT feel, he does not have such a chance... And the consequences can be very different, but all with a minus sign. If a person feels his body and changes in it (pain, heat, cold, numbness, pressure, spasms, etc.) , he can help himself, he can level out the problem at an early stage, regain his health, harmony and balance. If it does NOT feel, the body will become more and more sick and more and more exhausted, in the hope that it will be paid attention to until it is too late... Yes, this is such a sad truth. The same story with our feelings. If we have good self-reflection, we are aware of our feelings, we can help ourselves, maintain our energy, peace of mind and health. If we suppress and ignore our feelings, then we have every chance of turning into a devastated, twitchy, angry and even sick person. Fear, anxiety, unrest - speak of a real or imagined danger, threat. Helplessness, confusion - about the fact that you can’t cope with something or it seems so to you, something or someone is influencing you. Aggression in any form - something is going wrong in your life, your boundaries are being violated, someone is manipulating you, you are defending yourself from something. Aggression is a secondary feeling; fear in some form is always hidden behind it. Shame (namely shame, not guilt) signals that we are doing something that goes against our values. Fatigue, emptiness, reluctance to do anything, apathy are a signal that it’s time to rest, reconsider your life, and start spending your energy meaningfully. A harbinger of stress and the title of “professional idiot”. Resentment is suppressed aggression, a certain claim against another person, the world, justified or not. HOW TO START TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR FEELINGS: 3, 5, 10 times a day ask yourself: Who am I? Where I am? What do I feel? (Who am I - in what role? Adult, child, parent, victim, endured, etc. Where am I - in the present, in chewing on the past, in dreams of the future. What I feel - well, everything is clear here. By the way , it is better to download on the Internet a complete list of emotions and their varieties - 75 pieces - and use them to identify them, so that at the beginning of the journey it will be easier. What caused these feelings of mine? What words, situation, my interpretations, etc.? How can I help myself? help now? What do I need to feel calm, inner harmony? If I were a 100% confident person who loves himself and knows how to take care of himself, what would I do (how would I respond, protect myself, show some? then the situation). You need to ask yourself these questions, find answers to them and do what you need at the moment. Return yourself to the “here and now”, to the state of an adult, react to your feelings and live them, and then return them. yourself into balance and harmony, with the help of care, the right words and actions. Who is ready to do this? Who's ready to take care of themselves? Welcome! This algorithm definitely works!