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Our world is rapidly changing, as is the society in it. If literally 100 years ago a woman was concerned with issues regarding marriage, freedom of her rights and public opinion, now the list of concerns has clearly changed and increased. Our society began to actively popularize the importance of psychology in its life, which means anxiety regarding one’s mental well-being began to grow exponentially among the population. The modern woman is forced to face many challenges that affect her sense of self, harmony with the world, romantic relationships, career and social role. There are many questions that almost every woman asks nowadays. Research and understanding of these issues is key to helping women overcome challenges, grow as individuals, and achieve their potential. Let's look at some of the most pressing issues occupying the modern woman.1. Who am I? What do I want? The modern woman is faced with constantly changing standards of beauty, types of success and the definition of a woman’s role in society. This creates pressure on self-identity and self-determination. Many women question their self-worth, social expectations, and personal ambitions. Psychological support and assistance in the process of realizing one's own uniqueness and value can be important for strengthening women's mental health.2. What is important to me? Am I doing the right thing? Women also regularly experience stress associated with multitasking, that is, balancing career and family, as well as social expectations. Emotional stress can lead to feelings of helplessness, anxiety and depression. Psychological stress management strategies such as meditation, mindfulness, and therapy can help effectively manage emotional outbursts.3. Do I deserve love? Relationship dynamics and family life are another important aspect of a woman's psychological well-being. Interactions with your partner, children, family and friends can be a source of joy, but also conflict and suffering. A woman is forced to be a good wife, mother, daughter-in-law, daughter. But sometimes this can be too difficult, because you can’t please everyone, which can lead to losing yourself in the expectations of those around you. It is also a common opinion that a woman should start her own family as early as possible. You can often hear the words that a girl is old-timer, has spent too much time in girls, will remain alone, and will have no one to give a glass of water in her old age. Such judgments only put more pressure on that part of women who already find it quite difficult to build relationships. 4. Will I be able to realize my career? Women strive for professional growth and fulfillment, but may face obstacles such as glass ceilings, sticky floors, gender discrimination, and balancing family and professional life. Support from significant others can help a woman develop self-confidence skills, overcome impostor syndrome or impostor syndrome, and achieve her career ambitions. 5. How can I support myself? Maintaining physical and mental health is a priority for the modern woman. However, many face problems with depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other psychological problems that can affect their overall well-being. Support from a psychologist can help women maintain mental health. Regular check-ups at clinics are also important for maintaining physical health. Time for self-care, rest and relaxation should also be present regularly in the life of any woman. And most importantly, the ability to recognize the source of harm and discomfort and eliminate this weed in a timely manner. It is important for a woman, like any person, to understand that you should not force yourself to endure if something brings.