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From the author: An article about Intensive -2016, about extraordinary feelings, about you and me. About my intense feelings, which are colored with Braslav colors. All photos were taken by me during the intensive. “Next year at the same Place of Power?” With these words – or a promise? or hope? – ended my article after last year’s intensive “The Art of Being with Others.” Exactly a year has passed, a different, contradictory year. Sometimes playful, friendly, like a little kitten, sometimes opening the dragon’s mouth with fears, doubts, anxieties. But the most important thing, the most important thing (only now - after some time has passed, it has finally come!) - the meeting took place, in the same place, on the Braslav lakes, and at the same time. Just as you can’t step into the same river twice, so “intensive intensive – discord.” The intensive was already different, and was called differently: “The art of being with others: body, mind, soul - 2016.” Yes, and I was already different. Both of us, I and Intensive, were different. And the people are still just as amazing, extraordinary, some are old acquaintances, some are completely new, but others are different. Not according to the parameters of “time passes, everyone changes,” but in something elusive, which is not inherent in the everyday state, in something ephemeral - airy, incomprehensible and cosmically bottomless, like this golden path of the sun going into Lake Braslav. About Other - this is about many sensations that came to me exactly there, at the intensive course, on the shore of the lake, among precisely these people who were nearby. I learned to be close to the Other, to feel and understand. In strange ways, but it was at this “other” intensive that I learned the art of Being with Myself, new and different. Surprisingly, attempts to find myself differently, the fear of getting closer to myself, the risk of touching myself, accepting the Body - happened in the first three intensive days. Similar to an enchanting celebration (or maybe a shamanic performance), the psychological intensive delicacy of the end of the first three-day period - Initiation, gave me the opportunity to understand what exactly is holding back my professional desires and just human dreams. Thank you, my participants, I found this something and wrote on that piece of paper, which was then scattered in ashes over the lake. And instead I chose Fire. Intensivists, you understand me! About Other – this is about many years of experience and about the mind, awareness of the second three-day period. And this is about Loneliness, about the games of the Mind, imagination, or whatever you want to call this state, and for me in the words of Brodsky - “...When your tired consciousness loses its balance, when the steps of this staircase disappear from under your feet like a deck, when it spits on humanity your night loneliness - you can reflect on eternity..."Loneliness, which is not a block, not a stone, not a lasso, but reflections on eternity. The opportunity and ability to be alone with yourself, to be yourself, to think about reality without embellishment, when you are who you are, real, honest, without a mask or embellishment. And you - an amazing thing - suddenly you accept yourself as simple, ordinary, and even begin to like yourself. At first, of course, slowly, slowly, “one step forward, two steps back.” So as not to fall into the abyss of unbelief (or?) trust, skipping past real feelings of recognition. And those lonely forest paths, dull, gray, along which I nursed my gloomy loneliness last year, turned into bright and inviting country roads. The hopelessness of unbearable sadness went away, and in return came a bright feeling of self-confidence, the ability to choose to move forward. And it’s all about him, about the intensive, its strength, its field and its participants. And of course, the extraordinary nature of the Braslav region. The third three-day period is about the Soul. And this is also all about him, intensive. The word “Soul” has different meanings and is found in different meanings. But I'm not writing a scientific study. I share with you my feelings, the feelings that filled my soul during the intensive and those thoughts that.